Warrick & Nick - Las Vegas's New OTP?

i always feel that one should ask when one does not know so here goes...

what does OTP stand for? sorry if its already been posted, i skimmed through some pages but not all

thanx in advance

I'm not for these two, but i dont blame anyone trying to pair up Warrick... as someone accurately stated 'the guy's a walking orgasm' :lol:
thanks Lament,

where did that saying originate? i never heard it before. its very nice :)

gotta say... both guys are incredibly handsome and they just feed off each other's energy... i have a hard time sharing but if i didnt -i'd be on this ship :)
thanks Lament,

where did that saying originate? i never heard it before. its very nice :)

gotta say... both guys are incredibly handsome and they just feed off each other's energy... i have a hard time sharing but if i didnt -i'd be on this ship :)

No problem. I'm not sure where the saying originated. It might be interesting to delve into shipper lore to find out. :)

I love that Nick and Warrick feed off each other. They inspire each other to push ahead. I wonder if Nick worries that they've lost that now that Rick is hitched. Also, I wonder if


Warrick will read him the riot act about going medievel on the suspect in "Gum Drops."

You know he will, right after- *dodges the evil censor glove* ahem. Well, Warrick won't like Nick putting his job on the line like that. But at the same time, I think he'd be more worried about his mental staus, that is, Warrick'll take care of Nick and make sure he's ok before reading him the riot act.

If anyone knows where OTP came from, does that mean they'll know where slash came from? I've used it for a while, but I don't know where the term came from. I know the anime people's yaoi, but that comes from Japanese.

So, now that I have to get back on topic, I have nothing to say. Can't wait for Gumdrop! :D

Warrick'll take care of Nick and make sure he's ok before reading him the riot act.

I can see that. If Sara is the main person to confront Nick and all, maybe Warrick can play the nice guy. Comfort Nick, you know. ;)

If anyone knows where OTP came from, does that mean they'll know where slash came from? I've used it for a while, but I don't know where the term came from.

Ahem. Slash comes from Star Trek fan fiction, in particular, Kirk/Spock fan fiction. Kirk/Spock. Get it? Kirk / <--(slash) Spock. No, seriously! Don't you laugh! That's where it comes from. :lol:
Yeah, that's kind of what I had thought, but the / is used for all the other pairs too... Het and otherwise.

But what was so special about Kirk and Spock and the slash that started it all?

Hmmm.... No hotel scene? I wonder what that's going to do to the other pairings that might have come from this episode... I mean, the hotel thing's been floating around for months... But whatever happens, I'm sure it'll be good... Or at least I hope.... Or whatever. :confused:
We got lost on the second page. *sniff* No lovin here...?


There was no hotel scene at all. I guess what with WP out, they didn't have the drive they needed for it. But if WP had been there, some of Nick's scenes probally would have been cut and then Nick wouldn't have been able to have the emotional time that he did.

Ok, so there was no hotel room, so how do you think that would have affected how he would have been able to comfort Nick, and possibly kick his ass for some of what he did. I mean, he apologized to Sara a little to fast for my tastes. Not that he should have blown her off, but it was like he'd just gotten his ass kicked and felt bad.

*looks around at large, empty room*


I feel like Nick's apology was just to placate Sara. He didn't want her to push and make him talk about it, so he just told her what she wanted to hear. I do think that once they got home, and Warrick found out what happened, he'd have kicked his ass.

I think Nick would have tried the whole apology thing with Warrick, but Rick would have been like, "Don't give me that, man. Spill your guts."

I wonder if Nick would tell Warrick about his abuse at that time. I don't think he has yet.
It's really terrific that they're great friends and so supportive of each other in real life as well as on the show.

Obviously I haven't seen the new eps yet (apart from some clips) but from what I'm gathering, Warrick and Nick haven't been working together as much as they used to. Does anyone think maybe this is because Nick is upset over Warrick's marriage? Maybe its easier not to spend too much time together now that Warrick is off the market?
O___o This post will be so late, but well worth it. Lol. I actually agree with you forensic. Warrick and Nick don't spend as much time together anymore, and personally I think Warrick's new wife is ugly. =|

Then again, Warrick only married her because he thought life was too short. Kinda...weird.