oooohhhhhhhh im so sorry about your recent loss Sharon, and yours too Senna..people who dont have pets dont understand that we lose a part of the family when they die, i loss my cat to luckily old age 2 yrs ago and i still miss her, it helped to get over it a bit better having to look out for my 2 dogs who missed her just as much, sorry to hear about your cat to fruitbat, my one dog is diabetic as well as having a swelling of the brain (similar syptoms to parkinsons) and its like living on a timebomb on when that day will come.
anyway i know that these are no consolations but i hope it brings a little smile...
great walls csiemily and magic
Jools fantastic work from you as always, i only popped on quickly to see the lovely work, none from me today, im busy settling in the new edition to our family, a 7 week old kitten that we've named keesha...much to my two dogs digust, hopefully i have time to do one tomorrow
Thnx guys, Ceri, lovely name for your kitten, hope your dogs will adjust. If not, send them over hon, I'll give them a small obidiounce course *just kidding*. Can't wait for your next works. :devil:
nice work everyone. sorry there's been none from. RL has kept me busy. Thanks for the comforting wordss on the loss of my tabby. Has been a rough week. Still expect her to pop out at me any minute. lol