Wallpaper Thread #7

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Wojo, great wall, and ehr... great location. :lol:
Katpin, you always do great work on H.
Linda, yummy Smackies, you're the shipper here.
Mitzi, beautiful as always,
Megan, I wanna see you more in this thread.

What can I say, I've been walking backwards for the past 3 days, so .... no walls from me. Alaaf! :lol:
Sharon, I think you did a great job on the Billy/Marg walls. Awesome.
I've been messing around a lot lately te get some new results.

Sharon, love your "H" wall, and your two Bill/Marg walls are absolutely gorgeous. ;)

Jools, very stunning, drools, over those eyes. :devil:

None at the moment from me, but I have some new ones, in the poetry section. :D
Thankies Sharon and Linda, knowing that I'm not the only one drooling is award enough for me. I couldn't keep it dry while making that one :devil: *Hopping over to the poetry section*
Great going Babs! This new stuf is getting addicted. :lol: I just love these toys. Well, and the other one too. :devil:

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