Wallpaper Thread #7

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CSISienna, I love it. ^_^ Thanks.

Just wondering, would it be possible to keep the pic like it is on the right side (the full shot of the two fo them) and then have it say like, "PureJoy" or something?

If not, that's fine. The one you already made is already my background. You rock! Thank you so much!
^^^ I'll see what I can do about it tomorrow, it's kind off late here and the my drink is taking its terms. :devil: No promisses. But I'll work on it. Wrote you're text down, so no worries there. Should be posted around 22.00 pm my time.

Take care,
I love all of the great creativity you guys have.
Here's a new one that I'm not quite pleased with, but it's 2am and I'm too tired to tweak it anymore.
you guys have been really busy this weekend. :devil:
AB and kaylyne awesomes walls :D
Jools, Linda and Sharon great jobs off you as always, Sharon i love your different experimentations, they coming off really great :D
none from me just yet though, im hoping to get some up shortly before i have to go to bed :(
Keep up the good work :D
ok ive manage to do two, they not the best..sorry
pjl i gave yours a go, but sorry i didnt read what you wanted properly, and im sorry i messed up on the words :rolleyes:

Wow Mitz, outstanding job on the Pure Joy. Love the, both. I'm almost afraid to post mine, but what the heck :lol: here goes nothing.

Wow great walls kaylynne, mitzi & csi senna. ya have outdone yourselves.

PJ I gave my hand at doing your wall but it's not as gorgeous as csisennas or mitzis but hope u like it anyway.

Guess I'm having a Mac/Gary attack now.

Whoa Sharon, you weren't kidding here. Getting addicted are we: lol: The're fabulous.
And I know one friend of mine who'll be glad about the George Eads. Snaggled a few. :devil:
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