Wallpaper Thread #10: Showcase, Links, & Requests

GNRF, your wall where the girls are putting up the picture of Ryan? That was an awesome idea. I really liked that one.

I thought it was funny cause it looks like the one girl is trying to kiss the poster. :lol: But, the template is from a program called photoshine. :)

I love your Nick one. I think I voted for it. The poems were a nice touch. :D

Thanks! I'm glad you liked it and voted for it. :bolian: Just checking out that program, might have to look into it further.
GNRF, your wall where the girls are putting up the picture of Ryan? That was an awesome idea. I really liked that one.

I thought it was funny cause it looks like the one girl is trying to kiss the poster. :lol: But, the template is from a program called photoshine. :)

I love your Nick one. I think I voted for it. The poems were a nice touch. :D

Thanks! I'm glad you liked it and voted for it. :bolian: Just checking out that program, might have to look into it further.

I found it at download.com :) It's just a trial version though, so I don't have access to all of the templates. I'm not sure how much the full program is, but I'd guess between twenty and fourty bucks.

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Wow, some amazing wallpapers here :)

GNRF, I love all the Melina ones, especially the third Blue one :) And the ones with the Ryan on the posters and stuff are really neat :D
Orla, I can't tell you how much I love that third Ryan wall :drool:
csifann, Love the firs wall :)
Speedy, that Nick wall is awesome. Love the poems :D
Oh and blackflag? Love that second wall. Absolutely gorgeous :thumbsup:

Mine from the Nick, Danny, Ryan challenge:

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Wow, guys I havent been in here for a few weeks at all and I love your latest walls :) Not gonna comment on them all else id be here quite a while considering how long ive been MIA :lol: But, Ankeila I love those Eric walls, really well done :)

Loved the latest challenge, some great lookin' entries there...here are my entries from the last challenge:

First attempt, really? :eek: It's awesome!!

Feedback, hmm... well, maybe if you had put some feather on your select Calleigh, and in the left side maybe with a huge eraser tool with 0% hardness, maybe a drop shadow on the text to make it more readable, but the wp is great, the texture is fantastic :eek: Great job!!
That's really pretty, Desertwind. I love the clouds and the font. I know I know that font, but I can't think of what its called. :lol:
First attempt, really? :eek: It's awesome!!

Feedback, hmm... well, maybe if you had put some feather on your select Calleigh, and in the left side maybe with a huge eraser tool with 0% hardness, maybe a drop shadow on the text to make it more readable, but the wp is great, the texture is fantastic :eek: Great job!!

Love the background first of all. I think the overall wp is beautiful. Only thing I would have done differently is maybe use a slightly darker shade on the text so it stands out more, but it's awesome!

Thank you! And for the feedback, i will give it ago! thank you! :)