Wallace/Hodges: Full Experience #3

Thanks Rocky. Greatly appreciated. :bolian:

Well I posted a link back in September to the trailer to Wally's latest movie, but it was pulled down from youtube for, I guessing a better, more professional looking trailer and one that the sound was in sync with the video itself...so recently there has been a new one posted up and I thought I'd share again, seeing this is the Wallace/Hodges thread.

Growing Op

Probably a reason for his early absence in season 8...and small scenes on CSI.

I love Hodges. He makes me laugh. He can annoy me, but that's just Wallace's great acting doing that. He's a cool dude!
and more Hodges

ha-ha-Hodges!!! this guy makes me laugh! he's cool, cocky, annoying at times if not always but he adds spice to the show. Good job man!
"On “CSI,” he’s the resident geek. He says that the show’s writers usually turn to Hodges if the story requires a weird plot twist."

That was an insert taken from an internet interview back in April of this year, so adding spice to the show...I'd definitely have to agree. And I like it too! Cause it adds to the still somewhat curiosity and mystery behind his character...and with each episode, we still have the element of surprise from him.
Someone was looking for this thread, as it sunk to the other pages of no light. BTW Happy Belated Birthday to Wallace hope it was a good one. :)
I haven't seen CSI in a long time, so I wanted to ask... is Hodges still the awkward, sniveling glory hound he was when he first showed up in the series?

I'm not trying to insult the character (because despite the way I've described him, I actually like the character), but I honestly think that's how he was portrayed when I was still watching. I just want to know if he's still like that or if he's changed at all.
got a question to toss out to the few Hodges fans on the site.

Was it ever clarified as to where Hodges grew up after? I mean, we know he was transferred from LA, but did he make LA or Vegas his stomping grounds?

I keep thinking to various different scenes, throughout the seasons, were he's either looking at maps of Vegas, or has been out in the field, and he seems to know the area.

example 1: (studying a map with Grissom)

Grissom: "What do you see?"
Hodges: "My old neighborhood!"

example 2: Last nights episode where he was looking at the map on the light table and knew there was an old factory in an area on the outskirts of the city...
I love Hodges character, he's just so fun... and he's a believable character too, there are people out there like Hodges... there are several people who I know who are like Hodges but if I go ahead and say a Hodges quote they look at me like "WTH?!" lol

I love Hodges, he rocks!
Wow this thread was way down there. Anyway, I am coming to share for those fans of Wally (DJRideout :D)who might not have seen his photos at the CSI: Experience.
See Wally pics here.

What's with the rolled up jeans? :lol:
Aww...Thanks Bud. After my computer went on the blink, I've been trying to get everything back in order...including my bookmarks here with Firefox. And last night I remembered having a link to wireimage, so I went there to see if there was anything, but of course, across the larger pics were the wireimage watermarks.....but these are even better.

LOL...Wally is an interesting dresser and usually smart and snazzy with the waredrobe, but the pants thingy though?.....I dunno lol! He still looks good though. Won't take that away from him.

Thanks again Diz...I knew I could count on you.
Heads up Wallace has been doing some side work lol.

Will be in the next episode

Monk reluctantly adopts a dog while looking into the suspicious disappearance of its owner. Wallace Langham guest stars in "Mr. Monk and the Dog," Friday, October 30 at 9/8C on USA Network.