Veasey: We're Not Going To Be Typical About It

I would hardly say that them having sex one was a 'relationship' and to be honest I hope they don't start turning the show into a soap opera.

Did you even read what Faylinn said? "Relationship" doesn't automatically mean romantic. Danny has a working relationship with all of his team mates. He also has a friendly relationship with his co-workers. He has/had a familial relationship with Louie. Danny was neighbors and friends with Rikki before they had sex and considering how they acted toward each other when Rikki said she was moving they continue to be friends. Rikki coming back and having a close, NON-ROMANTIC, relationship with Danny isn't anything close to a soap opera.

Contrary to what some people would like to believe, Danny's life doesn't and shouldn't revolve around Lindsay, and she isn't and shouldn't be the only person for whom Danny has any feelings. :rolleyes: :wtf:

I NEVER said that Danny's life should revolve around Lindsey and that she should be the only person in his life, I just personally think that they shouldn't focus on the storyline for too long if they do it WILL start to sound like a soap opera.

But you did say that he and Rikki don't have a "relationship" when they clearly do, so you might as well have said that. They've focused on Danny and Flack's "relationship" for four seasons. Is that a "soap opera" as well because TPTB haven't dropped it and moved on?
Okay, I'm going out on a limb here. I know this tends to be dangerous territory for DL shippers.

But can I just say that I'd appreciate not being put into a box? I'm not pointing fingers at a particular person but a lot of anti-Lindsay or anti-DL fans have voiced these opinions and I'd like to clear the air. While I am a loyal DL shipper and Lindsay fan:

I am not some crazy rabid fangirl.
I have never threatened bodily harm on Ausiello or Kristin or any other columnist.
I actually am not particularly happy about the pregnancy storyline. I think that they dismissed a perfect opportunity for both Danny and Lindsay to grow individually. They also dismissed a perfect opportunity to let Lindsay stand on her own and maybe change the way people see the character (Though I've never seen how she's such a selfish character...) Even when they talk about the pregnancy it seems to be all about Danny which is ridiculous.
I think that they've gone way too soapy since Rueben's death. I mean a grieving affair and now a pregnancy? I thought this was primetime not daytime?
I actually like the character of Rikki but I did not like the affair because I did not like the way it made both she and Danny look. Also being a DL shipper I obviously wasn't happy. But more than that, I didn't like that my view of Danny changed. I didn't like that I was disappointed in him. But since then I see it more clearly now and no longer feel that way. I'm over it. I still love the character even though he's flawed. Maybe that's why I love him so much?
Personally though? I thought the Rikki/Rueben storyline never should have happened. ONLY BECAUSE if they wanted Danny to have more drama why couldn't they have brought back a character we already knew? A bond that we already felt for? LOUIE anyone? His freakin' brother who has been in TV limbo since season fricken two!

Given all this though. I think we should all give the new season a chance and let the episodes air before we all starting freaking out.

But mostly I'd just like to say that I don't appreciate the fact that just because I'm a DL shipper people automatically assume I'm delusional or crazy. The obnoxious rude fans are on both ends of the spectrum. Anti-DL fans can be just as ridiculous as DL fans.
Kimmychu said:

according to what I've been told, has the nerve to look down on Danny for it
Eh, I don't see it that way. I'm waiting to see how it plays out to see her response - although Veasey seems to be more concerned with Danny's response than Lindsay's. I guess we'll see when the storyline plays out whether Lindsay is just the oven for Danny's bun or if they actually concern themselves with showing her reactions.

calleighspeedle said:

I just personally think that they shouldn't focus on the storyline for too long if they do it WILL start to sound like a soap opera.
I doubt it will ever get as much focus as it had in S4 (which was really only, what, four episodes? Off the top of my head I think of "Child's Play", "All in the Family", "Right Next Door" and "Personal Foul", although it did perhaps get mentioned in other episodes, like "Happily Never After") - even so, they can't forget it entirely if they're planning to have long-term continuity. Dropping stuff like Louie and Flack's injuries is ridiculous, and I really hope they don't keep doing that. To have Danny so affected in S4, only to pretty much forget all about it later on, seems ridiculous. It won't affect everything he does, but it will affect some things.

And quite frankly, if he's going to be a father, it should definitely be one of the first things that comes to his mind.

ErinElizabeth said:

I think we should all give the new season a chance and let the episodes air before we all starting freaking out.
But where's the fun in that? :p

But mostly I'd just like to say that I don't appreciate the fact that just because I'm a DL shipper people automatically assume I'm delusional or crazy.
I have friends here and on LJ that like D/L, and while I disagree with them about that relationship and whatnot, I don't think they're delusional. I think the delusional fans are delusional, but that's not limited to any one ship preference or anything like that. :lol:
I agree that Rueben's death will still be effecting Danny especially with the pregnancy. I don't think that would be soapy either because I think that'd be natural for anyone. I mean a child died in his care and now he's having a child of his own, which is scary enough without already having a complex. :lol:

I also think they need to keep up on continuity. I am still bitter about Louie. We got one little mention of him in S4 but nothing on his condition. I'm still crossing my fingers that we'll get something in S5. But I'm not holding my breath.

And it's true Faylinn, fandom is a very scary place no matter what fandom you're in.
Oh yeah, I'm always hoping they'll shock us and bring up Louie - but I don't expect it. Darn them. *shakes fist* :p
I really don't understand what the trouble is with telling us what became of Louie. I mean he doesn't even have to BE in the episode. I'd be completely content with Danny saying something like "When my brother passed away a year ago" or "I had a beer with Louie last night" or something like that.

Just let us know what's up already!
I really don't understand what the trouble is with telling us what became of Louie. I mean he doesn't even have to BE in the episode. I'd be completely content with Danny saying something like "When my brother passed away a year ago" or "I had a beer with Louie last night" or something like that.

Just let us know what's up already!

Exactly! It would take like, what? 2 seconds? :rolleyes:

I agree that Rueben's death will still be effecting Danny especially with the pregnancy. I don't think that would be soapy either because I think that'd be natural for anyone. I mean a child died in his care and now he's having a child of his own, which is scary enough without already having a complex. :lol:
And oh, what a complex Danny has. Yes, that should absolutely affect him greatly. No matter what you like or don't like about the show, you have to agree (don't you? :p) that the loss of a child you were responsible for isn't something that you don't just 'get over' or forget.

And it's true Faylinn, fandom is a very scary place no matter what fandom you're in.
Cheers :beer:
I really don't understand what the trouble is with telling us what became of Louie. I mean he doesn't even have to BE in the episode. I'd be completely content with Danny saying something like "When my brother passed away a year ago" or "I had a beer with Louie last night" or something like that.

Just let us know what's up already!
I know! I guess they figure they shouldn't mention it if it isn't a Big Deal for the episode, but that's just ridiculous. They could have thrown in a few moments since "RSRD" - if they go back to it now, a lot of people might think it's been too long (including TPTB, probably), so they may have wasted an opportunity to do anything because 'anything' wasn't good enough. *le sigh*

I'm still hopeful, though. :lol:
I really don't understand what the trouble is with telling us what became of Louie. I mean he doesn't even have to BE in the episode. I'd be completely content with Danny saying something like "When my brother passed away a year ago" or "I had a beer with Louie last night" or something like that.

Just let us know what's up already!
I know! I guess they figure they shouldn't mention it if it isn't a Big Deal for the episode, but that's just ridiculous. They could have thrown in a few moments since "RSRD" - if they go back to it now, a lot of people might think it's been too long (including TPTB, probably), so they may have wasted an opportunity to do anything because 'anything' wasn't good enough. *le sigh*

I'm still hopeful, though. :lol:

I dunno I don't think it's too late just because a lot of fans still want to know. :lol:

I mean the set up for this story line was two seasons in the making. There was "Tanglewood" in S1 and then both "Trapped" and "RSRD" in S2. I think they really blew an opportunity in S3 with that one episode about the guy who killed his brother with Risen or whatever. "Past Imperfect" I think it was called. That was a prime episode for them to go back to the Louie storyline.
Much as I agree with you all about Louie, three seasons down the line, I've kind of given up hope. I think that ship has sailed.

if the writers are true to Danny and Lindsay as characters, they'll probably come between themselves anyway.

Quoted for truth. This is one of my biggest problems with the pairing: the complete and total immaturity of it all. Adults either work through their problems and find a way to make it work, or they realize they're not compatible and go their separate ways. I have a feeling Danny and Lindsay were heading for the latter, until Anna got pregnant and decision was made to write her pregnancy in.

But can I just say that I'd appreciate not being put into a box? I'm not pointing fingers at a particular person but a lot of anti-Lindsay or anti-DL fans have voiced these opinions and I'd like to clear the air. While I am a loyal DL shipper and Lindsay fan:

I am not some crazy rabid fangirl.
I have never threatened bodily harm on Ausiello or Kristin or any other columnist.

I've seen those comments, but have personally never taken them to be from all DL fans, or even a majority. There seems to be a contingent of wackos in every fandom, the result of people who take it waaaay too seriously. Luckily those people don't post here; one of the nice things about this place is that all opinions are welcome, and because of that we get pretty good debates going.

They also dismissed a perfect opportunity to let Lindsay stand on her own and maybe change the way people see the character (Though I've never seen how she's such a selfish character...)

And that really is a shame. I'm not a fan of the character, but I saw aspects of her that were positive in season two. But permanently attaching her to Danny's hip--and this pregnancy seals that deal--has worked to the detriment of both characters, probably Lindsay more so than Danny, because at least Danny is an already established character and does have storylines outside of Lindsay (like the initial Ruben episodes in season four).

I agree that Rueben's death will still be effecting Danny especially with the pregnancy. I don't think that would be soapy either because I think that'd be natural for anyone. I mean a child died in his care and now he's having a child of his own, which is scary enough without already having a complex. :lol:

This is the most promising thing about the storyline in my book. I can't wait to see how Danny will react to this news in regards to Ruben's death, and how his guilt will affect his happiness over the news.
And that really is a shame. I'm not a fan of the character, but I saw aspects of her that were positive in season two. But permanently attaching her to Danny's hip--and this pregnancy seals that deal--has worked to the detriment of both characters, probably Lindsay more so than Danny, because at least Danny is an already established character and does have storylines outside of Lindsay (like the initial Ruben episodes in season four).

Even as a DL shipper I completely agree with this. I wish that they would have waited to expand on their relationship and simply would have expanded Lindsay more. I think they were trying to do that in S3 but I dunno... I thought they could have done a better job of making her stand on her own. We barely got to know Lindsay before she became Danny&Lindsay.

This is the most promising thing about the storyline in my book. I can't wait to see how Danny will react to this news in regards to Ruben's death, and how his guilt will affect his happiness over the news.

Yeah one thing that does excite me about this story line is the reactions we'll get not only from Danny and Lindsay but from the rest of the team as well. While I do wish the pregnancy wasn't happening at least is is something different. As far as I know none of the other CSIs have ever really touched on this have they? I know that Catherine had a daughter but Catherine was never pregnant on the show. Though I've heard Criminal Minds might be doing a pregnancy story line and I think Without a Trace did too right?

Did those go over well? I don't watch those shows so I honestly have no clue.
^I don't watch either show with any regularity, but there was a crucial difference: both characters in Without a Trace and Criminal Minds were pregnant with a child that didn't belong to someone else who was a regular on the show. In WaT the character was recurring (and the actress's real life boyfriend!) and I'm not sure about CM, other than that it's definitely not one of the other reg's kid. The big difference there is that having the child really is a character arc for the mother alone. With this, it will be both Danny and Lindsay's arc, and I'd be willing to bet money that Danny will be the one whose reactions we really see and are played up. Lindsay really has been little more than a love interest character in her tenure on the show, and those who were hoping she'd break out of it this season--and I know many fans of the character were indeed hoping for that--will probably be as disappointed as those that don't like the pairing up of Danny and Lindsay.
^I don't watch either show with any regularity, but there was a crucial difference: both characters in Without a Trace and Criminal Minds were pregnant with a child that didn't belong to someone else who was a regular on the show. In WaT the character was recurring (and the actress's real life boyfriend!) and I'm not sure about CM, other than that it's definitely not one of the other reg's kid. The big difference there is that having the child really is a character arc for the mother alone. With this, it will be both Danny and Lindsay's arc, and I'd be willing to bet money that Danny will be the one whose reactions we really see and are played up. Lindsay really has been little more than a love interest character in her tenure on the show, and those who were hoping she'd break out of it this season--and I know many fans of the character were indeed hoping for that--will probably be as disappointed as those that don't like the pairing up of Danny and Lindsay.

Yeah, even though I do like the pairing I fit into that category.
I mean I wanted the cute little moments and background stuff. I didn't want to relationship to become a forefront of the show. That's why I enjoyed S2 so much. I think they should have kept that up a little longer rather than take the giant leaps they did in S3 and S4.

I mean since I'm a DL shipper I did like the big moments (also because I'm a hopeless romantic :lol:) but if I would have known that we would have ended up here I would rather they hadn't happened or didn't happen until like this season. Does that make sense?