Veasey: We're Not Going To Be Typical About It

CSI Files

There's a different kind of bump on the way.<p><I>CSI: New York</I>'s <font color=yellow>Carmine Giovinazzo</font> (Danny Messer) did an interview with <A class="link" HREF="">TV Guide</a> in which he talked about season five. Rapper <font color=yellow>Nelly</font> has been signed on for a recurring role, beginning with episode three, <A class="link" HREF="">"Turbulence"</a>. "I did a couple scenes with Nelly and he's a cool cat, a sweet dude. He turns out to be [an informant] helping Flack [<font color=yellow>Eddie Cahill</font>] with a case."<p>Giovinazzo also described his character's relationship with Rikki Sandoval (<font color=yellow>Jacqueline Pinol</font>) in season four as "drama and emotion and passion and circumstance." He went on to say, "They are contemplating, I believe, continuing on with that dynamic. They're just trying to figure out where to go with that whole triangle." Since the interview was conducted, it has been revealed that the other part of that triangle, Lindsay Monroe (<font color=yellow>Anna Belknap</font>), will have a major development coming up for her this season.<p>Belknap is pregnant with her second child, and <I>New York</I> is going to write it into the show. "Lindsay will be pregnant," executive producer <font color=yellow>Pam Veasey</font> told the <A class="link" HREF="">Ausiello Files</a>. "And, clearly, Danny is the father." When asked to pinpoint when Lindsay got pregnant, Veasey referred to a scene from <A class="link" HREF="">"Personal Foul"</a> when Lindsay received a phone call from Danny while she was out walking in the rain. "That's the night they conceived this child," Veasey said. "We believe she turned around and went back. [When we shot the scene] we had no idea Anna was pregnant, but we did leave ourselves options to take this relationship in a lot of different places."<p>Belknap's pregnancy and the decision to write it into the show caused the writers to alter their plans regarding the return of Rikki. "It will impact how <I>frequently</I> we will see her," Veasey explained. "We're constantly talking about when the right moment is for her to come back and be happy for [Danny]. Yes, we're planning on her returning, but I would say the change is that it wouldn't be as often. I think at this point the audience is interested in the [Danny-Lindsay] relationship. We did the bumps already, so let's see what this new [baby] bump means for Danny."<p>"We're not going to be so typical about it," Veasey said. "They're both happy about it, but it is unexpected." When asked if Danny and Lindsay would get married before the baby is born, Veasey said if so, it wouldn't be big. "You have to think of Danny," she explained. "He's a little unconventional. We want to do things that are unexpected but that really tell you a lot about his character."<p>The interview with Giovinazzo can be read at <A class="link" HREF="">TV Guide</a>. The information about Lindsay's pregnancy is from <A class="link" HREF="">Ausiello</a> <A class="link" HREF="">Files</a>.<center></center>
Yes, we're planning on her returning, but I would say the change is that it wouldn't be as often...We did the bumps already, so let's see what this new [baby] bump means for Danny.
That's the thing that really gets my gizzard - I would have hoped an executive producer wouldn't trivialize the entire Rikki-Ruben storyline as just a 'bump'. *shakes head* It's very disappointing.
I think they should leave Rikki out of the show, she wasn't a memorable character and nobody cared for her that much.

Danny and Lindsey have something together, they're gonna have a baby, bringing Rikki back will just screw all that up between them.
Um...quite a lot of people cared for her, including Danny. Ruben's death should continue to matter, regardless of whether Danny and Lindsay get married and have lots of sex and babies. There should be more than enough room in Danny's life for Lindsay and, you know, other people. :rolleyes:
Um...quite a lot of people cared for her, including Danny. Ruben's death should continue to matter, regardless of whether Danny and Lindsay get married and have lots of sex and babies. There should be more than enough room in Danny's life for Lindsay and, you know, other people. :rolleyes:

Agreed completely. It's also annoying that an executive producer would say "clearly, Danny is the father." Why? Because pure as the driven snow Lindsay would never sleep with anyone but her twu wub? If I remember correctly the first (and only time actually shown or even hinted at on screen) time they had sex it was tequilla induced and on a pool table. No exactly the picture of the perfect heart of love they claim DL is. :rolleyes:

Rikki should only come back if it's a compelling and complex story. Not to give her blessing for the Drama Llama and it's spawn and not to give "closure" for Danny so he can "get over" Ruben like he never existed. If that's the route they're taking, I'd rather they just scrap Rikki's return altogether; but not because I don't care about her. It's because she's too good a character and Jacqueline Pinol is too good an actress to be dragged any further into the utter crap fest that is DL.
I think it is interesting how when talking about their potential marriage she only mentions what Danny would want, like Lindsay doesn't count. It's very clear to see who is the more important character.
Grrr...I can't believe they're writing Anna's pregnancy into the series. And Danny as the father? Double grrr! Couldn't they just make the pregnancy one for surrogacy and not have Danny as the father? Oh wait...that wouldn't do since we all know how Lindsay can be so self-centered and selfish. :scream:
My question is WHY? Why would they do that to both Lindsay and Danny. I mean, the way it's set up, after 'the rain walk' Lindsay goes back to Danny??? Why? Do the writers think that litttle of her character to degrade her like that??? To have her come back to him then for them to 'magically concieve' that night! Does the woman have no self respect. What about birth control???

And Danny??
First he sleeps with Lindsay because they 'wanted to' and then the storyline fell flat, then he and Rikki have
"drama and emotion and passion and circumstance"
As Carmine put it ... then HE GOES BACK TO LINDSAY??? How does that make him look? Like a no-good, cheater that just wants to get his rocks off with whomever is available???? PEOPLE DANNY IS BETTER THAN THAT!!!!

I guess I really don't understand why the writers wanted to go this route. I understand Anna is preganant but couldn't they have come up with any other solution to write in her pregnancy??? Have her take a LOA just because she needed a break, maybe she met a new guy (whatever happened with that storyline :confused:) or something... SOMETHING better than Danny and Lindsay having a baby together. It make both of their characters look really desperate :mad: :angryrazz: :rolleyes:
Yeah, I'm not a fan of the way this makes Danny look either. It makes him come off as confused and slutty, frankly. :lol: He tells Rikki what they're doing is bad (presumably they've had multiple hook ups) and then Lindsay comes over and he gives it up for her. I don't think he loves either woman--one he slept with out of guilt and the other because he apparently is drawn to women who treat him badly.

I just hope this doesn't all get swept under a rug and billed as a "happily ever after" because it doesn't make sense in the context of what we've seen on screen, which paints Danny as insecure and confused, and Lindsay as manipulative and controlling. If they want a do over between the two, TPTB need to make their relationship clear and realistic, and also need to show a progression, rather than going back and saying, "Oh, look! They had sex in this episode and boom! baby was made." The ambiguity in the whole Danny/Lindsay pairing last year tanked any potential they did have IMO.

It's a shame the whole storyline is being dictated by a real life pregnancy. It seems to me the stories should evolve organically--not out of a necessity to deal with a real life pregnancy that could be hidden. The spoilers previous to this--and in Carmine's interview--strongly indicate this wasn't the direction TPTB ever intended to head in.
Um...quite a lot of people cared for her, including Danny. Ruben's death should continue to matter, regardless of whether Danny and Lindsay get married and have lots of sex and babies. There should be more than enough room in Danny's life for Lindsay and, you know, other people. :rolleyes:

I don't think that things were serious between Danny and Rikki anyway, they were grieving for the loss of little Ruben the sex was more for comfort rather than love. that is the reason why I think they should leave that storyline in the fourth season where it belongs.
Regardless of why they had sex, they still had a relationship and a connection that shouldn't simply be forgotten because they're no longer in a romantic relationship. Ruben's death should - and realistically would - continue to affect Danny, and Danny and Rikki obviously care about each other as friends if nothing more (as their final scene in "Personal Foul" proved).

The fact that they slept together and now Danny is apparently going to get serious with Lindsay doesn't mean Rikki should be banished to the past. It happened, and they all have to deal with it and move on. Besides, Veasey basically said Rikki wasn't going to be back until she could bestow her blessings on the happy parents-to-be, so I doubt she's going to 'come between them' or anything - if the writers are true to Danny and Lindsay as characters, they'll probably come between themselves anyway.
I would hardly say that them having sex one was a 'relationship' and to be honest I hope they don't start turning the show into a soap opera.

Did you even read what Faylinn said? "Relationship" doesn't automatically mean romantic. Danny has a working relationship with all of his team mates. He also has a friendly relationship with his co-workers. He has/had a familial relationship with Louie. Danny was neighbors and friends with Rikki before they had sex and considering how they acted toward each other when Rikki said she was moving they continue to be friends. Rikki coming back and having a close, NON-ROMANTIC, relationship with Danny isn't anything close to a soap opera.

Contrary to what some people would like to believe, Danny's life doesn't and shouldn't revolve around Lindsay, and she isn't and shouldn't be the only person for whom Danny has any feelings. :rolleyes: :wtf:
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Even though im a DL shipper, I really liked the Rikki/Rueben and glad that they wont forget about it just like Louie [Bring him Back!!] Im interested in how the whole storyline of Lindsay will play into the season and not how it just affects Danny and Lindsay but how it affects the whole team and how they react to it. However, I think the storyline has to be written perfectly else it may be be painful to watch :lol:
I would hardly say that them having sex one was a 'relationship' and to be honest I hope they don't start turning the show into a soap opera.

Did you even read what Faylinn said? "Relationship" doesn't automatically mean romantic. Danny has a working relationship with all of his team mates. He also has a friendly relationship with his co-workers. He has/had a familial relationship with Louie. Danny was neighbors and friends with Rikki before they had sex and considering how they acted toward each other when Rikki said she was moving they continue to be friends. Rikki coming back and having a close, NON-ROMANTIC, relationship with Danny isn't anything close to a soap opera.

Contrary to what some people would like to believe, Danny's life doesn't and shouldn't revolve around Lindsay, and she isn't and shouldn't be the only person for whom Danny has any feelings. :rolleyes: :wtf:

I NEVER said that Danny's life should revolve around Lindsey and that she should be the only person in his life, I just personally think that they shouldn't focus on the storyline for too long if they do it WILL start to sound like a soap opera.
I ... see. So for some reason, Danny and Lindsay having sex only once in Snow Day is considered a relationship while Danny and Rikki having slept twice with each other in season five isn't. And somehow, just because Danny and Lindsay having sex a second time results in a pregnancy, it automatically means they're going to be in a 'permanent, happy relationship' and that this baby is going to fix everything, just like that.

:guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw:

Geezus, and people wonder why I think the show's totally jumped the shark and is a mockery now. Who is so gullible to fall for that shallow, illogical tripe?! Even Mills & Boons romance books aren't that awful! :wtf:

If we're gonna talk soap opera here, I think the show headed straight into soap opera territory the day TPTB decided to turn DL into an eye-rolling 'yes no yes no yes no' situation and dragged it on for years for the sake of Lindsay being propped up by Danny. The most pathetic part about it all is, they were intent to end it, only to chicken out at the very last minute and go right back into even worse soap opera territory. What I don't get is why it isn't soap opera when Lindsay, after literally saying at least twice that she wants to get over this and thought it was so stupid of herself to ever get involved with Danny, jumps straight into bed with Danny and ends up getting knocked up and, according to what I've been told, has the nerve to look down on Danny for it ... but the mere appearance of Rikki in any way must immediately and automatically mean a soap opera. :rolleyes:

TPTB, I can only hope you have one hell of a backup plan in the event this @#$% blows up in your faces. You're going to need it.