Ups and Downs for the Day

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Oh Jayne I am so sorry
*hugs*. Send my sympathy to the family.
Jayne that's so sad!!! Give them my love!!! That's so awful... I hope that you can all get through this together!!! His family is in my thoughts and prayers.
Jayne I'm so sorry for your friend's loss. My cousin grew up without a mother and my friend's mother passed away about 3 years ago so I have a feeling what it's like. Please pass on my condolances to your friend and her family :(.
My cousin grew up without a mother and my friend's mother passed away about 3 years ago so I have a feeling what it's like.

yeah. Like you want to comfort them but you don't know how. Like it isn't fair so you want to scream and yell, at the same time be thankful for your own family. My friend's dad died when she was 8 then her mother died when she was 10, a car crash and heart attack respectively. It's a hardship I think everyone goes through at some point :(.
zippy, saras_girlfriend and Jayne's friend, hope you all get better.

Jayne, I'm so sorry for your brother's friend. If you need to let it out, I'm here. ;)

wibble, congratulations.

Up: I'm starting to understand Deutch. :D

Down: I don't know if I can make it through the week... I'm too tired...
I found an up: (there was no Friends, which belongs to Down, BUT) I went to my neighbours I love and spent the night there :D
Up: My friend is having a movie marathon tonight and I got aproved for karate testing with only ten classes this rotation :eek:.

Down: Silagi is going to be at my friend's house too and last time we had to see each other we kinda got in a fight and got suspended from Hebrew High. Well this should be fun. not.
Down: Me and my girl had a strange and unusual conversation last night and she was quite upset.
Up: Me and her are okay now. Love's stronger than ever!
Down: It's way too hot outside again and I just cut myself trying to slice up this stupid piece of steak for my cat. And my friends don't understand the concept of "Borrowing".

Up: Well, I did manage to make 3 new CDs at Ashley's. And I took a picture of her cat.
Up: I made a huge dinner for my mom, with a big dessert too, and she loved it. It tasted fabulous, and I am really proud of it, :)

I just ate a whole bowl of whipped cream.
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