Ups And Downs For The Day #5

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Up: I went to France today!
Up: I met Sissi!!!

^ those are huge ups :D

Down: I have to work tomorrow and I'm...dead :p
Down: I have the most horrible haircut in the world. It's just awful. It's too short and it doesn't suit me at all. I liked having long hair so I could just put it up in a ponytail and forget about it. And I've got a wedding to go to on Sunday.

I can't really complain though. It was free and I should have just said no. That's my problem though - I just can't say no to people. I will after today though. Someone who is training to be a hairdresser asked me if she could do it. And it's truly awful. Hopefully my hair will grow quickly.
Up: I finally have time to come to this site. (Finally!)
Up: School's officially done.
Up: I can finally stop getting up at 6 in the morning.
Down: My exams are next week.
Up: Got three new Sandman volumes.
Down: I had an anxiety attack the day before a project was due last week, and couldn't go to school to hand it in; I had to mail it.
Up: Friday the 13th
Up: Downloaded entire Pink Floyd Discography and organised it. (Whoo for legal downloading in Canada)
Up: Found the missing codec for Windows Media Player, so now I can watch Firefox.
Up: Found out that Gia isn't missing the sound, it just has to be cranked.
Up: Learnt two Chopin songs on the piano.

There were a couple of downs, but none of them are really worth mentioning.
Up: Weekend.
Down: Tournament tomorrow.
Up: New tennis partners.
Up: Got new music off of my old CD's.
Up: Coach brought music back to practice.
Down: Got whacked in the face.
Down: ^^Means I have another bruise, I look like I get beat up daily.
Down: Getting sick for sure.
:lol: now only ups

up: big BBQ this day
up: happy my dog feel better
up: so many nice and good friends ;)
up: so nice weather the next weeks
Down: i'm kinda bored
Up: i'm making tons of new icons
Up: listening to good music
Up: i'll go to turkey TODAY
Down: will be gone for a week
Up: may be able to peek in here a few times
Up: We won our first softball game without our starting pitcher (I'm catcher so it affected me a bit lol) and we insist we're so weird that Friday the 13th helped us. :lol: IT'S A MIRACLE!
Down: Tons of HW as always.
Down: Got a bad score on my mile run test.
Up: I don't freaking care because everyone did and we all laughed about it after PE. I BLAME THE SUBSTITUE TEACHER.
Up: Breezy today, not crazy tornado-ish like yesterday, and it flt so good to play softball in the weather.
Up: Weekend! Woohoo!
Up: Im moving back to my mom and dads house.
Down: I have to share a room with my little sister ( i love her but gahh...share a room!!! thats too much :( )
Up: My friend i havent seen in like forever is moving back.
Up: She *Might* be pregnant!!!!!
Up: She might come stay at my parents house (we have been friends since forever so my parent like love her)
Up: Finally got this stupid LJ icon table to almost work.
Down: Emphasis on the "finally".
Up: Had Math and Chem tests today - they both went very well. :D
Up: Yet another penpal!! :D :D :D
Up: Icon challenge voting will be up tomorrow.
Up: Banner challenge will be up soon.
Down: I had nobody to eat lunch with today.
Down: TONS of homework.
up: i finally got my broadcating presentation over with
down: that was the longest 45 minutes of my entire life
down: i'm never going to get back said 45 minutes
up: i don't have any homework this weekend
down: i have to work tomorrow
Up: I don't work today!!!
Up: Sun at least!
Up: Tonight I'll get to go party
Down: I'll end in the same pub that I go all weekends
Down: gotta clean my car
Up: It's saturday and it's Hot!
Up: It's the grand national today
Up: Placed a bet
Down: just found out my horse will probably not run due to injury :lol:
Up: i dnt care
Up: I wrote a song that's been swirling around in my head for a week.
Up: It's not so terrible. :lol:
Down: My email isn't working, and I don't know why.
Up: Been making tons of icons
Down: Now I have to upload them and that takes forever.
Up: It's Saturday!
Up: I'm very happy right now even though I have tons of homework to do.
Down: I have tons of homework to do.
Up: The weather is stunning and i've been sunbathing!
Down: Haven't caught much of a tan though :(
Up: Not that much hangover from last night's exploits so I am able to drink again tnite, RESULT!
Down: My footie team are gonna get killed tmoz by Chelsea BOO HISS.
Down & possibly a little up?!: Back to college on Monday, but good to see my mateys.
Down: Man utd are winning atm.
Up: Burnley got beat :)

Think that about covers it!
Oh another Up: It's gonna be sunny again tmoz! :)
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