Ups And Downs For The Day #5

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Down: Had a baaaad nights sleep
Up: Gorgeous Day
Up: am back in my apartment =)
Up: Did some study
Down: just not enough
Up: Day isn't over...still plenty more time for loads more 'ups'!!
Down: Person sitting beside me is irratating (I'm on computers at school)
Down: like, half a day still left.
Up: I don't have to do much at the moment
Down: Will soon
Up: Just found out that the semesters almost over (I'm kinda slow)
Up: Having a good day so far
Up: nice weather today
Up: going to meet with a friend tonight
Down: haven't seen her for a long time
Up: had a tasty ice
Up: slept very long this morning
Up: i'll finish some work later
Up: I didn't sleep through school at all today.
Up: Moved up in gym.
Down: We lost our match.
Down: Snow today.. wtf?
Down: I got stuck with after match clean-up, because everyone else is lazy.
Up: Sister went to my game today.
Down: Everyone is irritating me lately.
Down: Gave myself a black eye by running into some random guy in the hall :lol:
Up: Last night i laughed myself silly because my roomate Adrienne came home drunk :rolleyes: and she came and sat down on my bed and started laughing, and proceeded to tell me that all she does is hurt everyone and feels so bad... and then started to cry and then fell of my bed started laughing and then went through all my clothes, and took some. But it was really funny.

Down: I was too lazy to get up so now a bunch of my clothes are missing.
Up: School wasn't that bad today.
Up: Got back a 9.1 out of 10 for my KCV test (that's a subject about the culture of the Greek/Romans).
Up: The weather is so great.
Up: Cycled back with my old classmates.
Up: ER tonight.
Down: I'm pretty tired.
Up: Beautiful day today
Down: Credit card bill arrived with 40EURO on it that I didn't even spent - government stamp duty!
Up: The cat is going to have her kittens any day now
Up: meeting the girls later
Up: Today is Thursday :D :D :D
Down: Kinda cold right now
Up: Supposed to get warmer :D
Down: We have no breakfast foods
Up: I will eat a lunch food for breakfast instead
Up: I am actully hungry this morning..quite surprising actually
Down: I do not want to go to school
Up: Thursday :D
Up: Week is almost over.
Down: Roommate was being such a pain last night. She as like being so rude to me.
Up: That night at dinner i took the oppurtunity to make her mad so i dumped my milk all over her food cause she wouldnt stop being rude.
Up: I then after dinner hid under her bed and waited for her to sit down and then a screamed and grabbed her ankles :D :D lol.
Up: Found a song I like.
Up: Finally saw the new music video from my fave band.
Down: Have to practice math for 3 hours.
Down: Have a math test tomorrow.
Down: Just the thought of school tomorrow.. :(
Up: I just finished my week of hell with my last test! Woohoo!
Up: I got 100% on two of them this week and I'm not sure about the other two.
Down: Running the mile tomorrow.
Up: It's almost the end of the week.
Down: It's freezing! And windy!
Up: Softball game tomorrow!
Congratulations for your test results, Lilly :) *hugs*

Up: It's already Thursday.
Down: That English theory is not really easy.
Up:No PE this week, because of sports competitions.
Down:Have to do some homework.
Up:CSI:NY is on :D
Down:I can't understand that Chemistry theory.
Up:portuguese teacher makes classes a lot less boring than they could be.
Down: Realised people can be more complicated than me :p
Up: went shopping with friends
Up: got some very expensive shoes!!
Up: had a driving lesson
Down: i have my practice test soon
Down: my legs hurt from all the shopping!
Up – It’s nearly the end of the week. *yay*
Down - Computers at work were down until about 4.30pm. Typical, I had to call everyone back just before I was due to leave work for the day.
Up - Luckily I had the book I'm reading at the moment in my bag, so I got through a huge chunk of it. :lol:

Down - My sister called me up to tell me her dog training session had been cancelled, as one of the dogs was run over in the car park, and died just before they were due to start. :(
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