Ups And Downs For The Day #4

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Down: Sick again..
Down: Won't see my friends before the new year because tomorrow is the last school - day before holidays and I'm sick..
Down: Wrote an exam today.. bad bad bad..
Up: Nothing ._.
Congrats, wibbsy! :D

Down: Did not go to school today, I was so tired I had to sleep in.
Down: I went to the doc, I have a shortness of vitamin B6.
Down: I don't feel like doing anything but MSN'ing and hanging around on Talk. Maybe it's a slight up.
Up: No more classes, woot!
Up: My exam went great.
Up: Afterwards I cycled home with friends.
Up: One of my best friends came to my place and we decorated my Christmas tree.
Up: We had so much fun.
Up: Only one class tomorroe and then Christmas vacation.
^ Thanks Roosy Woosy :D

Up: Finished my Christmas shopping at last :lol: Spent 4 hours walking through and around the city this morning :eek:

Down: Still got loads of presents to wrap...I'm gonna tackle some more this evening.
Up: only half a day left of work
Up: have realised that we have missed two weeks on the advent thingie at work so tomorrow shall have to eat all the choccy - yay!
Down: worried that Heathrow's fog won't clear and we will not be able to get home in time for Christmas :(
Up: Christmas is in four days!
Up: I'm wearing a nice warm coat!
Up: I bought some stuff for me
Up: Finished christmas shopping offically
Down: Cold
Down: Roommate is annoyingly tapping things! (Aha, I don't think annoyingly is a word :lol:)
Up: Christmas shopping is done
Down: the kid took his bad seed pills this morning (ok, so really he's just 2 and a half and acting his age, but GRRR)
Up: My friend who is just as obsessed with CSI as I am(although I may be a tad more if I do say so myself...) bought me Season Three dvd set for Christmas, yay!
Up: I'm going on my school's trip to Italy over the summer!
Down: Two of my teachers gave me homework for over Christmas break.
Up: I emailed Santa to complain and now they're getting coal. :lol: ((jk, but i thought it was funny))
Congrats on the interview wibbs. I have my fingers crossed. :)

Up - Finished all my Christmas shopping! :D
Up - Finished wrapping all the presents! :D

Down - Arg! My poor phone. Unfortunately the repair shop have not fixed it yet and now they need to order a new part for it, which can't be done until mid January. :( So all over Christmas I stuck with a horrible old mobile phone that is so old. It also has really old ringtones, which is starting to really annoy me. *cries* I want my Trivium ringtone back. :mad:
Up: My Christmas holiday has officially started.
Up: My best friend comes in 5 days.
Down: Our maths teacher had us all come to school and after 5 minutes he said the lesson was over. I mean, come on, then let us all stay home.
Oh, Eva! I had excactly the same thing!
Maths too, that's so creepy!

Up: Holiday!
Down: I ate too much sweets for breakfast. Correction: I only ate sweets.
Down: I'm nauseous now :lol:
Down: I drank too much coffee, my head hurts now.
Up: Party tonight. :)
Up: I'm awake!
Up: Last day 'til I'm on Christmas break
Up: Finished my project :D
Down: Freezing!
Down: I'm soo tired
Down: I hate being awake this early!
MissRoosFox said:
Oh, Eva! I had excactly the same thing!
Maths too, that's so creepy!

Huuuh, that's weird. Well yeah, maths teachers, ha? They always suck. :lol:

Up: Just went shopping for Christmas presents.
Up: I got a new cell phone.
up: HOLIDAYS !!!
down: got another negative test back (surprise -.-)
up: got sweet christmas presents from my friends
up: my friends liked their presents from me
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