Ups And Downs For The Day #4

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Up: Listening to the Killers - Uncle Johnny. One of my favorite songs at the moment.
Down: My nose is itching all the time.
Down: Six tests next week, and it's not even a test week..
sorry Roos but I beat you, I've got 10 tests this week and I had Latin and Greek today. I do have a testweek :(

Down: see above :p
Down: I have this weird feeling, like something bad is going to happen.
Up: Almost christmas and we already have a christmas tree :D
Up: Weekend :)
^ kali tikhi ;)

Up: I'm finally finished my Christmas shopping.
Up: It's the weekend.

Down: I have no plans yet for this weekend.
Up: It's the weekend!!!! :)
Up: I think, Allie and I are going to go out tonight, not sure though
Up: Listening to music
Up: I have chocolate!
Down: I feel croweded
Down: Soo much homework
Down: My roommates just started playing music war with me, and the TV goes louder than the computer!!
Down: My mom had surgery (her appendix almost burst as they were prepping her for the surgery) so I've got to take her of her and do a whole bunch of crap that I have no time for.
Down: My dad is refusing to help with any of this stuff
Down: I asked my English teacher for help and she said that she's too busy. :eek:
Down: Really wish my girlfriend was here right now; huggles are needed! :lol:
Down: So stressed that I do believe my head my explode...

Up: Going to get some groceries/prescriptions/Christmas presents in a bit
Up: Watching Charmed tonight
Down: therapy didnt go so well
Down: i was sooked from the rain.
Down: Having headache again.
Down: im tired

Up: my mom sent me a fairy nice email, i had tears in my eyes from it.
Up: i had to work today with childeren again, so cool.
Up: Lilly the cat still loves me.
Up: My roommate pasted his drivenlicense exam (theory) so great.
Up: I did my homework for therapy for once.
Up: Counselling went great.
Up: Got my outfit for the Christmas dance.
Up: Am getting highlights tomorrow.
Up: Am going shopping tomorrow.
Up: Math teacher called me Grissom to make fun of me when I had a blond moment in class. :)
Up: School got a basketball team and I signed up.

Down: Really tired.
Down: Have homework for counselling.
down: horrible grade on test
down: phone call sent home
down: grounded
down: it was only my first bad grade this year..... :rolleyes:
down: I can't go to party tonight

up: the soup is on tonight.
I hope your mom gets better Catherinesmyidol!! *huggles* :)

Up: It was a snow day today, so no school! :D
Up: I worked on part of my essay
Up: Tomorrow is Saturday

Down: Bit of a headache
Down: Hungry.. Too lazy to get food :lol:
Down: I had to get up early.
Down: So much to do for school.
Up: Looking so forward to the Christmas vacation.
Up: Dance class in a few hours. :)
Up: I went to bed very late. :D
Up: Watched a great movie in the middle of the night.
Up: Listening to a great song.
Down: Got to study.. :eek:
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