Ups And Downs For The Day #4

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Up: Happy Happy Happy.
Up: i might get a puppy!!!!! (Adrienne still wants one)
Down: Adrienne wont let me name the dog princess :(
Up: i will get my way :lol:
up: It's Billy's birthday ;)
up: there is peanut butter at the party!!
up: it was a beautiful sunny day
down: now we're in a winter storm watch
down: I'm SO bored
Up: bye bye fever :D (methinks)
Up: considering of buying flatscreen and laptop.. yes both!
Up: going to do some laptop and flatscreen-research today!
Down: it feels like I'm letting my best friend down, and it's not a happy feeling :(
Up - I had such a great sleep last night!

Down - I'm suffering from really bad stomach cramps today. :(
Down - I really need to crack on reading my book. Ahh, it's the worst book ever, and now that I'm halfway through it's become an obsession to finish rather than give up.
Tinkerbell said:
Down - I'm suffering from really bad stomach cramps today. :(

Have yourself a nice hot cup of tea :).

Up: My visit has been cancelled *yay* so I don't even have to leave the house today
Up: Because I'm not in the office today I had an extra hour in bed
Down: My group presentation is not going well, the group is not communicating!
Down: I have no motivation to do any work today :lol:
Get well, Tinksy! :)
UP: I'm listening to music EXTRA loudly!
DOWN: I'm having a headache.
DOWN: My room is messy but I'm too lazy to clean it up.
Thanks for the well wishes, hopefully it'll pass and I shall be back to my bouncy self soon. :)

Up - Today is going quite fast. :eek:
Up: I got a Webkinz yesterday :lol:
Up: It's a pretty unicorn named Spencer! Buwhaha (from South of Nowhere :p)
Up: CSI tonight :D
Down: I am going to die of tiredness
Down: I saw the CSI: NY preview, but I forget what happened in it :lol:
Up: I can watch it on the internet soon
Up: I finished my homework!
Up: HOLIDAY!! :D *yay*
Up: Will change and clean my room today. Move the furniture, and vacuum the place, heaven! :p
Up: I have nothing to actually DO today, I can do whatever I want for a week :D
Up: I saw exactly the right person at school before I went home. Gotta love the last periods.
Up: I'm hungry and I'm going to eat now. And yes, that's an up :p
Up: We'll be having take-out tonight. The question is, will it be chinese or fries.. :p
Up: Going to Belgium next week.
Up: Had a 80% for my German test, while I had the feeling I didn't know anything..
Hope you'll get better soon Tinks.

Up: Got the new Kaiser Chiefs album, which made my day. :D
Up: Going to Paris next week. :D
Down: Won't have that much time to do anything about my school work next week ( I mean, it's holiday! )
Up: Got 86% for my Latin resit. :D
Up: I finally feel better.

*leaves the thread singing along with Kaiser Chiefs' Angry Mob*
Up: We have agreed to go and look at a new house tomorrow :)
Up: Friday's are always great
Down: Have to work over the weekend to prepare my presentation for Monday :(
Up: Buwhaha! I was successfully able to log on to Talk CSI today!
Up: I watched CSI last night...and laughed for like ever at the end :lol:
Up: Going out for coffee today
Down: I have 5 dollars to spend :lol:
Down: Umm, two tests today
Up: It's Friday
Up: My best friend is home :)
Down: She will only be staying for a few days, and then I won't see her again for at least 6 months :(
Up: went to visit the worlds cutest baby yesterday
Down: My camera decided that would be a good time not to work
Up: My friend had her camera, and she's going to send me the pictures.
Down: It's supposed to storm today, and I might not be able to get to where I'm supposed to go... and I really want to go!!
Up: This is my first weekend off since August
DragonflyDreamer said:
Up: went to visit the worlds cutest baby yesterday
You went to see my new-born niece?? :eek: :lol:

Up: finally-totally-fever-free
Down: still am a bit dizy etc.
Down: Holidays are over
Down: Nazi demonstration and counter-demonstration in my town tomorrow :mad: I'm so staying at my parents' for the weekend.
Down: I wanted to buy a flatscreen and laptop this weekend, but then I forgot I can't withdraw money from the bank yet. Rather frustrating.
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