Ups And Downs For The Day #4

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Up: I managed to deliver all my Christmas cards to my friends within 1 day!
Up: I passed my bio test
Up: Under a week until school breaks up for Christmas
Up: I got a 'marvellous' on my chem. h/w
Down: Still have to get presents sent off, but have no money for that or for my sisters' presents
Down:Hadn't properly woken up until 11, thanks to lack of coffee and sugar rushes
Down:It has been raining on and off. It's England. I guess I should be used to it by now.
Down: My final version of my essay on gender roles and cross-dressing in Merchant of Venice is due in Wednesday
Up: Christmas is so soon! :D
Up: Not much homework today. Just a bit of french
Down: I couldn't sleep well last night
Down: Tired and I have a stomach ache
Up: There were football photos in the forum today... I got to see this really hot guy in spandex :lol:
up: one more day of classes
down: lots of exams this weekend
down: the whole class got kicked out of psychology this morning.. the last class, and we finally made him crack!!
up: 10 more days 'til our family christmas vacation
Up: Downloading episodes of South of Nowhere :)
Up: I like my new clothes :p
Up: Did all my homework
Down: It's only Tuesday tomorrow
Down: Annoyed
Down: There's so much going on this week, I think my head's going to explode! :p
up: i had a really fun bludgy kind of day today with my friend who i hadn't seen in a few weeks
up: it hasn't been too hot today

down: i had to wake up early-ish
down: i'm hungry
down: i have to work tomorrow
Up: Nice weather...
Up: Dancing was fun

Down: Terrible headache
Down: Had school till 3 pm
Down: Was very tired the whole day
Katie and KiniT i hope you feel better soon!!

up: i'm in a acceptable mood today
down: i have to learn spanish
down: maths test was negative (surprise -.-)
up: my mum's not at home
down: tomorrow is wednesday .. i don't like wednesdays
Up: Done school!
Up: Listening to music
Up: Eating chocolate
Down: Allie and I were supposed to do something today, but she got called into work :(
Down: I hate my hair today
Down: My finger still hurts
Up: Easy day at schhol
Up: Almost finished with my Christmas shopping

Down: I fou out a girl I have a crush on, is dating another friend of ours. Now that I know she's datg a friend of our's I feel akward to be around her.
Up:I am getting 82% in one of my classes ( i went up from 74%)
Up:Im listening to really good music!
Down: im really cold.
Down: so much home work its not even funny!
Down: im really hungry but i have like no food!
up: finally done classes for the semester
down: 4 more exams to write
up: the president of our program may try to fix our psychology problem!!
down: i'm really tired and hungry
Up: Have a less busy day today
Up: Got to have an extra hour in bed!
Up: Have been given the OK to cancel my appointments for tomorrow and Friday

Down: I have a headache and period pain!
Down: School SUCKS.
Down: A teacher kinda made fun of me in front of the whole class. I hate him.
Down: So much to do.
Down: Christmas vacation is still 1,5 weeks away...
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