Ups and Downs for the Day # 2

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Heh, new thread :D

Up: I'm listening to one of my favorite bands :D

Down: My aunt hasen't called me yet, my lips won't stop bleeding (I bit them in my sleep...I think) and this song makes me want to cry!
Up: New thread! :lol:
Down: Fight with mom earlier this day, now I can't shower, because I can't get out of my room now :lol: and I'm hungry.
UP: Bought myself a new digital camera and two T-shirts. I love retail-therapy.
DOWN: Next door neighbours are having a birthday party, complete with screaming children.
Down: I have to go to the beach until Thursday :(, no TiVo, no internet, no cell phone reception.

Up: at least there is live TV so I can watch the WC.
UP: my mom is out of town
UP: I'm with my best friend :)
UP: she's supposed to sleep here :)
UP: I'm half-drunken. :devil: Seriously.
DOWN: I gotta pee :lol: *runs to find the toilet :lol:
^^ Nice. A drunken party.

UP: EVAN'S HOME EVAN'S HOME MY BOY HAS COME BACK! :D He went camping for so long, now he's home.

Down: I don't actually get to see him until like Tuesday.
Up: Found a GORGEOUS picture of Melinda Clarke and it made me really happy.

Up: I have the computer to myself for the entire night!

Down: I miss my girl... :(
Up: My lips stopped bleeding and I got to see Pirates 2 :D

Down: My auntie never called...and I was gonna go to work with her tomorrow, so now I get to go roam downtown and try to find where she has her store set up.
Up: My dad is away!! So he won't be yelling at me to turn my music down all the time!!

Down: I have this horrible Summer Cold....and i just feel disgusting.
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