Unfortunate Names

eggbe4thechicken said:
My parents knew a family at the school they went to who all had the surname Nut. Arthur (If you say it with a cockney accent, like pronouncing the 'th' as 'f' you'll get it.)

I don't get that one, would someone please explian it to me.
Dynamo1 said:
lostladyknight said:
I also had a cousin growing up named Robin.
Does he hang out with Bruce Wayne?

:lol: I don't even know why, but I laughed so hard at that!
I know this girl her name is Britain Couch and she works at Taco Bell. She's really cool and when she first told me her name I was like "Britney?" And she was all "I knew you were going to say that!" It was funny, really.