Ok, here we go... I'm such a shipper, I have to ship everyone...
Sara/Greg (CSI, cause I want him to get the girl he's wanted for so long, and I want Sara to be happy, and Greg makes her smile!
Warrick/Catherine (CSI, I don't know, I just want them to get together)
Grissom/Sofia (CSI, Ok, haven't seen her much yet, since we're still in the middle of s5 here, but I really love the scenes they've had together)
Trudy/Jack (The Tribe. Ok, if you've seen the show, or even heard of it you'll think I'm crazy probably. Trudy deserves to finally be happy with someone who hasn't dated/is in love with her bestfriend and/or her worst enemy. Jack is the perfect guy, and he needs to get away from Ellie)
Ryan/Salene (The Tribe. Cuteness and angst all in one, can't get better!)
May/Salene (The Tribe. They both deserved some happiness in s5, wish the writers hadn't been too scared to let two girls be together)
Luke/Lorelai (Gilmore Girls. I don't think I've ever been as annoyed with two people on a tv-show for not making a move! It was about time!)
Ross/Rachel (Friends. Just because it's Ross and Rachel)
Monica/Chandler (Friends. They're just great together)
Phoebe/Mike (Friends. I did for a while want Joey and Phoebe together, but I loved Mike. He knew exactly how to deal with the crazyness of Phoebe. :lol
Donna/Eric (That 70s Show. Just because...)
Jackie/Hyde (That 70s Show. It's crazy, which makes it so cool)
Charlie/Claire (Lost. Can you say cute?)
Ok... I need a life obviously...