TV's Greatest Couples!!!

-sam and derwood, i mean daren

king of the hill:
-dale and nancy
-hank and peggy

the critic:
-jay and alice

-sam and rebbeca
I dont know if I mentioned this one previously when I posted but

I love Jim and Cheryl in According to Jim
and Dana and her new Doctor Husband (also according to Jim)
chase and cameron <333 wait looking back, i already said this one :p

house md:
cuddy and wilson (but i like cuddy and house better)

-jakie and eric
oh how can i forget friends? *hits forehead*
Monica/Chandler (of course)
Rachel/Joey(I dunno why, they just seem cute together)
Ross/last wife before Rachel...whats her name...Emily?


Kaylee/Jayne or River/Jayne (cant decide)

lol...ziggy...paula/simon on american idol...I agree that i like them as a couple. its a love/hate relationship that is comical and in a bizarre way adorable.
everyone loves mondler and weirdo's

cornation street (i live in canada and i watch a brithish soap)
-steve and karen (broken up)
-jack and vera
-danny and franky (broken up)

all in the family
-archie and edith

the office
-jim and pam!!!!!!
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csikickurass, i live in canada to, and i watch this show called Doctor Who...ever hear of it? Well in that show I like Rose/Doctor together. To bad its over...:(
i heard of that show before but i never seen it on tv

clone high:
abe and joan
joan and jfk
abe and cleo

cornation street:
gail and martin
Angel/cordelia when I am watching the Angel verison and when I am watching the Buffy version, Buffy/Angel.