Trivia game

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Re: Re: Trivia game

2 part question:
according to the bug expert (Grissom):
1.Name the longest living insect ande how long do they live?
2.And how does it spent it's life?
Re: Re: Trivia game

I don't know the name. It lives for fifteen years, and 14 or so years are spent in a nest/underground and it comes out when it has a few months until it dies.
Re: Re: Trivia game

OK watch execution of Catherine willows. the answers are there. Don't be giving up so soon people!!
Re: Re: Trivia game

ok i think i got it:
OK so they spend 17 years underground then come out as nymphs, shed there skin, and then live for 5 weeks then die.
Re: Re: Trivia game

I'm going to try to guess again
If I remember it was only .01 over the legal limit
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