Trivia game

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Re: Re: Trivia game

Plate number is correct. State was Utah--you can tell by the orange rock formation on it. But, I'll give it to ya! You're up, HHunter!!!
Re: Re: Trivia game

ok, here is my question..
who came back and helped Grissom identify the victim in Snuff ?
Re: Re: Trivia game

Thank you!

Catherine said: "Sorry, it's been a while since I've driven a sports car." To whom was she talking?
Re: Re: Trivia game

not exactly the kidnapper, to roy logan, the man who claimed that his girlfriend had been kidnapped.
Re: Re: Trivia game

this is pretty easy, but i cant think of anything else. what pie did dr robbins wife make in dog eat dog?
Re: Re: Trivia game

It was strawberry rhubarb. Also it was a vegan pie - low carb, fat and suger.
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