Trivia game

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Re: Re: Trivia game

Ok, what special medical condition did Todd Coombs have that allowed him to committ rapes, without getting caught? That is until he meets up with Grissom.
Re: Re: Trivia game

Ok here is probably an easy one....Which actor played on all three CSIs that is not a main character.

ETA: reworded
Re: Re: Trivia game

Nope, she only played in NY and LV..
I'll give you a hint, it's a he, and he played in season five of CSI LV
Re: Re: Trivia game

Kevin Fry: Played in Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes for Vegas, Dancing With Fishes for NY and Innocent for Miami. :D
Re: Re: Trivia game

You're right Hankster. He fits the profile that I gave as a hint (guy who plays in season 5) but there is also another....James Badge Dale. He played Adam Trent in Commited, and Henry Darius in Felony Flight and Manhattan Manhunt..

Your turn :)
Re: Re: Trivia game

What was the name of the Candy that the dead poker player was scarfing down in "Revenge is Best Served Cold."
Re: Re: Trivia game

Thanks! OK, here it goes:

Alan Brooks said "Is that French for "evidence"?"

What was he talking about?
Re: Re: Trivia game

When Grissom took a picture of the Driver (Barry), Alan asked him what it was for and then Grissom said "Souvenir."

To which Alan replied: "Is that French for "evidence"?"
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