Trivia Game #2

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i don't know the answer but i don't want this game to die!
maybe you should either give a hint or maybe ask another question....
up in smoke, pirates of the third reich, kiss-kiss bye-bye, killer, snakes, gum drops, secrets and flies, dog eat dog...
i could go on and on and on! :lol:
Even a blind hen sometimes finds a grain of corn. ;)

okay maybe i was good at that question, but i'm not good at finding a new trivia this one is easy peasy!

In which episode did Nick call Grissom "Gil"?
I know it had to have been early, so I'm just gonna guess Cool Change since they worked together
Put It on The Board, Yes. Alright this is a memory question, see if you can remember without having to look it up.

What was Hank Peddigrew's girlfriends name?? I'm looking for first and last name.
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