Trivia Game #2

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Name three actors/actresses who have played multiple parts on CSI, and in what episodes (just put multiple episodes if they've been in more than three).
I only have two...Archie Kao, before being Archie Johnson, was a security guard (I think)- Chaos Theory
Jon Wellner, before being Henry Andrews, was a criminal in Unbearable
Those are both right, pabzi. If you can think of one more, that'd be great! (I'll give you a hint: someone who is - or at least at some point was - supposedly very near and dear to one of our CSIs.) Good luck!
I don't know which you are reffering to, but in Commited, Louise Lombard played someone other than Sofia, sort of. She was credited as Sofia Curtis, But she was acting as a pottery reading specialist, not as a CSI or cop. I don't know if it counts though, because she was credited as Sofia, which is why I didn't mention it before.
I also have something else weird, a trace guy from season one, but I have to go look that one up, because I forgot
No, in Committed, Louise played Sofia. We don't know - maybe she had some experience in it before and they asked for her help. Keep thinking - here's another hint: the person I'm thinking of was the girlfriend of a convict in one of her two roles.
I know it's not what you were thinking of, but I remembered what I was thinking of. Eddie Jemison Playes Travis in Casing the Bus and Mr Dorsey in 11 Angry jurrors. Funny thing, they both run trace, and being that one is a last name, they may or may not be the same tech, but in one he was credited as one, and in the other, the other so...even if it doesn't count as the answer, it is interesting :p
pabzi, I'll give it to you. :lol: The person that I kept hinting at was Meta Golding, who played Frank Damon's girlfriend Rachel in Fahrenheit 932 and later played Warrick's wife Tina. Your turn now!
Now that one I didn't know.
Since I'm tired this is easy, but try not to look it up,. see if you know it of the top or your head. What 4 episods was Randy Gesek in (and who is he?)
hahaha me too, that's why he sticks out in my head :)

What disease did Susan Hillridge suffer from in the episode "Justice is Served"?
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