Trivia Game #2

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ok, hmmm, havent had to pick one in a while... :lol:
ill go with an easy one:
when is grissoms fish board first mentioned?
Oooh...the fish board. I was thinking of the Big Mouth Billy Bass. My apologies. In that case, I think the first time is actually the episode before Anonymous, Who Are You?, when Teri Miller says to Grissom that she tacked up her number on the big fish board.
Yay! Thanks. :D


What is the first episode (not including Season One) in which we see Warrick gambling onscreen?
As nobody seems to have answered this question, I'll post a new one.

In what episode did Grissom call Sara "dear"?
I was stuck on that one, I was going to guess Big Middle. But that's probably wrong...I think I know this one.

I know that Grissom called Sara 'Honey' in the episode, 'Play With Fire' after the lab blew up, but I think that the first time he called her 'Dear' was in Double Cross.
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