Trivia Game #2

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Game has been dead for a while, more or less 3 days. I have one:
What TWO characters are allergic to cats? (You must state BOTH)
woohoo! :D ok my next one may be easy but if i didn't post it i wouldn't have anything so i'll try ;)

how many of catherine's relatives are mentioned in the show? and please name as many as possible! it's ok if 3 are left out/missing but the others have to be named!
oh geez, i think there are several :lol:

daughter lindsey
father sam
mother lily
husband eddie
half brother tony
half brother walt
sister.... i dont know if she had a name! :lol:
no she didn't have a name...and that was pretty good. i think you only left out her nephew jeremy! respect! :D
your turn allmaple
OK 24 hours has passed. Here's one. It's kinda easy.

Name the officer that Sara states that the victem could file a suit? (Yes Sara did say it I'm just not using direct quotes from what Sidle said.)
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