I finally broke down and watched this episode (although I'm still hesitating to watch episode 18 in generall and the finale), surprisingly, I thought it was good . the idea was overused, no argument there Jafox :lol: but I still though it was interesting nonetheless ; Also, I thought the screen time for everyone was a lot better than last week's episode. It was great to see Nick and Greg work together, I've missed that , it was also great to see Archie, and I actually didn't mind Finn this time. I'm glad they had her interact a little more with the other characters. I did miss Sara though.
yeah, you guys pretty much summed up how I feel about what's going on between D.B. and Julie, I'm also pretty indifferent about it.
yeah, you guys pretty much summed up how I feel about what's going on between D.B. and Julie, I'm also pretty indifferent about it.