"Trends With Benefits" Discussion **SPOILERS**

I get the feeling that maybe they (DB and Finn)got closer than intended at one time but never officially did anything. That or they had a huge blow out at some point that really put them at odds but then they made up.

What if it's not DB and Julie, but Finn knows something about DB's wife? She's harboring a secret about his wife (perhaps she had an affair) and is trying not to blow the lid on it to Russell?
I gave this episode an A-. Nice to see that a CSI is allowed to have a life with family outside of the lab.
Solid case as well. Nice to see that even though the professor won't be brought up on rape charges,he is going to lose his job and reputation due to the social media,something that wasn't possible to do to people like him even ten years ago.
Okay Finn is growing on me more, which is a good thing. I like her working with Morgan...they look alike. But I also don't really care to know if there was more to Finn and DB in the past, really don't care.

Yeah, I don't care either. It's like how they made Ray all secretive and I still don't know what the big deal was about his past except for that gene he carried.

As for Finn and DB...the fact that Charlie knows whatever it was that happened and didn't seem angry or anything seems to suggest it wasn't an affair or anything.

I liked this one pretty well, probably because of the even participation of everyone, except Sara of course. That makes me wonder if maybe they simply have too many characters since it seemed to work well last night with the five of them. Of course, I'd take a five that included Sara and didn't need the addition of Finn. :)

I continue to really enjoy the way Ted Danson plays this part. Last night was Nick's turn to be yelled for in the lab. :lol:

Good to see Archie, but...why does he have to stand at that computer instead of sitting?? That just seems weird...standing there the whole time while researching online.

And speaking of tech....how cool was that table??! :)
Good to see Archie, but...why does he have to stand at that computer instead of sitting?? That just seems weird...standing there the whole time while researching online.

I'm going to out myself as a COMPLETE nerd, but.....Terry Small ( the Brain guy) says that your brain actually functions better while standing! There are many executives, scientists, etc... that have elevated desks where they stand instead of sit!

...now back to your regular program scheduling....;)
Good to see Archie, but...why does he have to stand at that computer instead of sitting?? That just seems weird...standing there the whole time while researching online.

I'm going to out myself as a COMPLETE nerd, but.....Terry Small ( the Brain guy) says that your brain actually functions better while standing! There are many executives, scientists, etc... that have elevated desks where they stand instead of sit!

...now back to your regular program scheduling....;)

Makes sense! Thanks! Now maybe I should stand up at work too. :lol:
Good to see Archie, but...why does he have to stand at that computer instead of sitting?? That just seems weird...standing there the whole time while researching online.

I'm going to out myself as a COMPLETE nerd, but.....Terry Small ( the Brain guy) says that your brain actually functions better while standing! There are many executives, scientists, etc... that have elevated desks where they stand instead of sit!

...now back to your regular program scheduling....;)
Huh. My husband has to stand at his computer because of chronic sciatica. I'll have to let him know that he's doing his brain a favor, too!
Not a bad episode. But, I'm about done with the nauseating techno garbage on yet another college/school party. I'd rather hear some R&B or some hip-hop over that techno crap anytime. I would really hate to think that today's college youth are limited to that kind of music as to what's happening now in their age bracket or what's only danceable or party-worthy to them.

I'm starting to warm up to Julie. I do hope that there is so personal affair going on with her and DB. I'm sure that his son knows about something else (rather unpleasant or unprofessional) that makes him skeptical about his pop working and associating with her, again. I have to say that Nick's rocking that Emo-Spidey do. I wonder if it goes along with the subject of this episode. I prefer his crew cut look the best. It fits him perfectly well. And great to see Archie again.

I'd rather that P.O.S. professor get the painful ass-ramming of his life in jail for 20 to life than be shunned by the students and everybody after losing his job. A suspension is too darn soft. Julie is not so bad in interrogating scenes. But, I'm loving me some angry Nick towards the closet Goth dude. I do wish that Sara was in here as well.

As for the girl declaring her virginity, was the point of revealing her personal decision her need for publicity? I'd always keep my personal, private choices how they should be kept. Personal and private.

Overall, this gets an A-.
Well I went in with pretty low expectations with this one and I'm happy to say I was pleasantly surprised. I wouldn't say it was anything particularly great but it certainly wasn't terrible, I'd say a little better than a standard "filler" episode.

I liked Finn in this one. I would still prefer Sara and I agree with whoever said it works better with just the five of them working the case.

Everyone got some good screentime. That always gets bonus points in my views. :)

The opening went on too long. Over glamorised/exaggerated college party = yawn. Was odd seeing them playing beer pong / taping bottles to their hands, pretty much everyday occurrences in my life at the moment. :lol:

I still don't care about DB/Finn's history.

Case was okay, I suspected the lecturer and the rape victim were involved somehow but I didn't think it would be an accident. There were a few nice lines throughout. Real lack of forensics in this one = minus points however.

Relating back to forensics, I got really annoyed about the amount of "off-camera processing" going on. For instance: "Nick and Greg went through the vic's apartment..." How about we get to see that instead of focusing about five minutes on some fancy party which looks pretty but I don't care about. Similarly, we get a Mandy mention but no Mandy! Heck, we got about 10 seconds of Henry it wouldn't hurt to have a little Mandy scene either! :rolleyes:

DB is still a big favourite of mine! I conclude that Ted Danson's addition to the show has probably been the best decision TPTB have ever made. I'm not going to lie, I actually prefer him to Grissom. :p

On the whole though, pretty good. I had my doubts considering all the DB/Finn spoilers they've been throwing at us recently, and it turned out to be a nicely-balanced episode for everyone. Finn is beginning to grow on me which is nice but I still don't think we really need her.

Looking forward to next weeks "Hodgesode". :lol:

Rating: 7.4/10 (good)

EDIT: One last point, I actually like Nick's longer hair. ;)
This episode was okay and Finn is starting to grow on me. I liked that they are using all the characters equally. Gives me hope that Ray Langston Era won't be repeated.

I hated that the professor avoided jail but at least he was fired and everyone knows what he did. He won't be getting anymore teaching jobs.

Nick isn't the only one who could use a haircut. Greg looked like he stuck his finger in a light socket and Morgan's little girl hairstyle made her look the same age as the college students. Maybe younger.

I've always thought that whatever happened with DB and Finn was work related and not romantic. It would be cliched and lazy writing if it was.
I guess I'll be the Negative Nancy.
I didn't dislike it; the cast overall had nice screen time (athough someone important was missing).
But, it was just not all that interesting to me. All of the topics in this episode have been done before; there were lots of cliches and no new twists.
Beginning with the stereotypical college party, the 'virgin' player, the straight/gay hunk, smug scumbag professor and a rapist that walks, victim turned killer (accidentally, of course). And the 'old folks' don't appreciate social media.

I like DB. I like Finn. I'll be glad when this whole 'history' subplot is behind us.

Of course I missed Sara, but this one just seemed predictable and didn't hold my attention for a variety of reasons.

And I guess DB is the only one who is allowed to mention his family, and have dinner with them! :rolleyes:

It was good to see Archie!

7/10 from me, but that just means acceptable/average. Not one I'll care about rewatching.
I guess I'll be the Negative Nancy.
I didn't dislike it; the cast overall had nice screen time (athough someone important was missing).
But, it was just not all that interesting to me. All of the topics in this episode have been done before; there were lots of cliches and no new twists.
Beginning with the stereotypical college party, the 'virgin' player, the straight/gay hunk, smug scumbag professor and a rapist that walks, victim turned killer (accidentally, of course). And the 'old folks' don't appreciate social media.

I like DB. I like Finn. I'll be glad when this whole 'history' subplot is behind us.

Of course I missed Sara, but this one just seemed predictable and didn't hold my attention for a variety of reasons.

And I guess DB is the only one who is allowed to mention his family, and have dinner with them! :rolleyes:

It was good to see Archie!

7/10 from me, but that just means acceptable/average. Not one I'll care about rewatching.

With most crimes shows, after a while it becomes hard to come up with fresh material. About the only new thing was the digital media being brought into it.
My girlfriend has watched maybe 5 episodes of CSI in the last 6 years (she didn't like it when it got all 'dark'). We watched this one on delay last night, since there was no Sara and I didn't have to be all 'OMG! NOTES! CAPS! AAAAAAAUGH!' about it.

Her comments:

"Hey, that's Elisabeth Shue! She's a pocket CSI! I kinda like her."

"Nick, what's with the HAIR!?"

"That poor girl is going to have to deal with all the rape fall out anyway. Just what she didn't want."

"Wait... Does Jorja even show up in episodes with rape anymore? No? I like her more, now."