

CSI Level One
We've had it for about a month here in Australia. Started just as Supernatural was ending (same network, one after the other - Monday night was heaven for a while there) and just before Doctor Who started. Torchwood is on Network Ten at 9:30pm on Monday's (usually starts at 9:50 because of Big Brother).

So, anyone else watching and loving the show? I simply cannot get enough of Captain Jack, and I adore Ianto. I'll be at the front of the line for Ianto to play a big part in season 2.

And speaking of season 2 - James Marsters (Buffy/Angel/Smallville) has signed on for an episode. Looking good already.

So, what does everyone else think?
Oh I love this show! I adore both Jack and Ianto. The only character I really loathe is Gwen, grrrr.

The rumor/speculation on Ianto in S1 was that he was originally only intended as a background character, not even planned to be in every episode, but when they saw GDL in action they gave him more to do. IIRC, it was the 'harassment' line in ep 1 that made them change their minds <g>
lol. I love that harrassment line. In my opinion Ianto has most of the best lines in the show thus far (seen up to "Small Worlds") and comes across as a stronger character than Toshiko, Owen and Gwen. Maybe that's why they keep him on the front door - a) because he could easily convince people that it really is an tourist information center, and b) because he can fight very, very, scarily well. Word is he runs fast too. :p

I'm not a big fan of Owen, myself. He just bugs me for some reason. I mean there is sleazy, and there is sleazy. Jack is the first, Owen is the latter.
I loved Torchwood when it was on over here but it has finished now and i dunno when the next season starts??
I love Captain Jack Harkness both in Doctor Who and Torchwood and think that he is a great character with a lot of depth which can be examined.
The only character I dont like is Gwenas she annoys me.
I love this show too. With Dr Who finished until Christmas, I'm half expecting series 2 fairly soon although I can't find a start date anywhere.
I really enjoyed Capt. Jack in the last few Who episodes, but I want him back in the Hub now. :D
I know Torchwood S2 kicks off in the UK after Christmas - I think I read it on the official site somewhere (or the blog). No actual date thus far.

As for the James Marsters thing - apparently his character and Jack... yeah. So the rumours go, and JB's dropping a few of them. Won't confirm anything on Jack/Ianto, though. And there are rumours of Jack/Gwen *shudders*.
I have heard about it. Its not aired here in Holland so I use the internet to see some of it. A friend of mine does watch it so the next time I am at her place we will watch it together. Its a great, cool show!
So how much has everyone seen of Torchwood thus far? We're up the "Countrycide" here, which airs tonight.
I watched it all on BBC!
I found that Countrycide was the turning point for me. The first 2 eps were great (they aired together).

Edited because the spoiler tags aren't working properly, grrrr.
Ceindreadh, use this tag:
<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre>
</pre><hr /> BTW if you hit Enter anywhere in the spoiler, the code won't work.
Spoiler codes can be evil...

I liked Countrycide too. Good team episode. I was a little surprised at the actual program rating though - they gave it AV18+. I mean, I know it was gory, but I still think it could have been MA.

I have the complete series now. A colleague gave them too me. Haven't watched them all yet - aim to do it this weekend.
BTW if you hit Enter in anywhere in the spoiler, the code won't work.
Ahhh, that would explain it!

BTW, what is the spoiler policy for Torchwood on this board? I know that Australia is up to ep 6, but it won't be airing in US until September. Meanwhile S2 is being filming and spoilers are coming out.
Just want to be safe!
I think we'll need to message a mod and find out. Maybe get them to add a spoiler warning onto the title or something, just in case.

Y'know, not very often that Australia is ahead of the US in something. I shall treasure this moment... oh, and pity the US for not having Torchwood yet. Brilliant show. Brilliant.
they have only started filming it so i think it will be at least at the end of the year before we get the new season.