This years CSI DVD's (Miami, NY, Original Series)

Are the deleted scenes bloopers, or just unused footage? Bloopers I would LOVE to see (Miami's, that is).
The deleted scenes are just scenes that didn't make it into the episode, there is a great one on the Miami Season 9 Premiere with the team cleaning up the glass from the windows etc. as Jessie is wheeled past them. Poor Walter looked so sad :'(

I watched some UK-made DVDs on my laptop not realizing I had to change the settings to play Region 2 DVDs, and this was my 10th time doing so. So, I can't put Region 1 DVDs in my laptop anymore, which means I can't upload the bloopers, deleted scenes etc. to youtube. Sorry guys :(
What about the LV deleted scenes, who's in them and what are they about?

I've had the set over a week and I haven't watched very much. :lol: But the "Man Up" deleted scene is between Mandy and Catherine.

Also, a lot of the behind-the-scenes videos are just clips that circulated throughout the season (Bieber's interviews, etc.) only extended a bit. I quite enjoyed the "House of Hoarders" commentary (the one I've listened to so far). There's a lot of subtle nods I didn't notice when I watched the episode and writer Christopher Barbour, director Alec Smight, and George Eads provide a lot of insight into it.
I listened to "A Kiss before frying" commentary with Eric, Dita, and Brad Tannerbaum. It was pretty good. At times they said nothing but Brad had a lot of insight and you could clearly hear the friendship between Eric and Dita.
I got Season 7 DVD and the deleted scene is the beginning of the season premiere episode. Haven't checked out any other deleted scenes but in that same episode there was a scene with D/A that was cut.
*squeals with inexplicable joy and claps with glee* A commentary with Eric :D I can't wait!! 15 days and counting :) My birthday is two days before the release date guess which I'm more excited about? :p