This "Spoiler Lab" Is *CLOSED For Good*

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Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

Not true for Paul Guilfoyle. He wants to be last because it's a prime spot in the credits. I'm sure it's in his contract that he gets to be "with". It makes him one of the top 3 stars.
Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

Yeah, it sucks, Eric's name should be above this new person, for sure, and your right on the alpabet order, but whatever, things change and CBS will probably get it right when they release their news, and valid cast /lineup/info.
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Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

g/e can't even be one after another in the credits. And not only that, Eric has been on the show since the pilot and this pushing him to the back crap is getting ridiculous! I hate this new girl already, so so much.

Blaming her is not really fair. It is not her fault if CBS and the shows producers put her ahead of anyone. Besides, no one knows for sure that this information is 100% accurate. It could just be a general cast list.

It's still a little early to be jumping to those kinds of conclusions. Personally, if they're putting her ahead of Eric, I do NOT blame her in any way. It's not her fault. It's the producers and whatnot behind the show that control that. So, blaming her isn't really fair. But, if this is the attitude that some people are going to take, I sure do feel sorry for the new girl. :(

Actually no, it's not in alphabetical order. If that were the case, then Robert David Hall, David Berman and Paul Guilfoyle would be listed up there before Eric.

Robert, David and Paul's characters are not CSIs. All of the CSIs (aside from the two leads, ie Marg and Billy) are in alphabetical order. Lauren's last name is Smith which alphabetically comes before Szmanda.

None of this info is set in stone yet. It could very well be that the person who wrote down that info originally put all the CSIs (aside from Marg and Billy) in alphabetical order on their own and that this is not how they'll be shown in the opening credits of the show.

And no matter what the case is if you wanna blame someone, blame the producers, writers, CBS, etc... but not the actress. It is not her fault... not in the least.

I along with other Eric fans feel insulted that he's not considered important enough (even after all these years of proving himself) to get billing ahead of the new girl.

If this is the way they're gonna have it in the opening credits, then yeah, it does seem insulting... and Greg being my fave character and Eric my fave actor on the show (along with George), I'm not happy with them being put on the backburner (so to speak)... however, there is no reason to blame the actress for that. It's completely the producers/CBS' decision. LLS doesn't deserve the blame!

The producers, writers, etc have been putting Greg in the background for a while now... he hasn't been given enough big scenes in the last couple of seasons (basically since "Fannysmackin"). So, blaming someone [who is just now coming into the show] for that continuing is just not where the blame should be directed. IMO only the producers, writers, CBS, etc need the blame directed at them.
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Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

Wow, guys, take a breather. She's not that attractive, I'm sure she's gonna get bumped down a few names. Don't start rioting in the streets until you're actually sitting in front of the TV bug-eyed and watching the opening credits. If she shows up before Eric, I'll be right there throwing trash cans with you. If not...I'll be eating chips.
Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

I hold nothing against the actress. I am actually sort of looking forward to seeing her, as I have seen her in the past on other shows. I will blame everyone else in charge of CSI and such if the credits do go that way.

I would also like to see Catherine, Nick or Greg find the key piece of evidence against McKeen to bust him on Warrick's murder.
Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

... i was just thinking that i would love to see the miniature killer in action again!!! i know she is probably in jail or in a psychiatric hospital, but she has to come back for at leat an episode!!

Grissom's mom:

I also thought she was dead but nothing is a 100% sure. CSI is just crazy, u never know whats gonna happen. :rolleyes:


I love Grissom, I mean he is HOT!!! :drool: i was actually watching CSI today in spike and i think the first episode of the 4th season is the first time he has his bear on!!!! OMG he looks to good with that beard!!!!

<sorry i couldn't help it> :guffaw:
Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

Is Wallace a regular on season 9 or not? I skimmed through 24 hours of SARA, and there were no spoilers and really nothing that resembles real information about cast or plot for season 9 that we do not already know...
Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

WOW, I found loads of *spoiler* info, and mostly the chat was about the cast, Grissom, his mom Nick, Greg, Warrick the new girl etc. & very little about Sara:confused: mabye we're not reading the same posts. I found research is a great tool to find something new about what's s going on, but CSI's premier is still 3 months off, so maybe there's not that much info. right now, or it's sketchy!

Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

Don't get too excited about the cast list. They've been known to change in season. Note the beginning of Season 8. First Episode, Louise Lombard was in the credits as Sophia. She might have been in for one or two more episodes but, then, Wallace Langham was bumped to the credits.

BTW, I thought this was supposed to be about spoilers. All I'm hearing is talk about Sara and her return. Isn't there a thread about her all ready?

Any "spoilers" I'm reading are old and have been posted on CSI Files already.
Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

WP's last episode before going off to do the play should line up with the last episode of Nov. sweeps, so I think Grissom getting shot/injured will be the way to explain his absence this time around. Grissom could start picking up on something that points to McKeen and getting attacked because of it.

RE: Grissom's mother, I've decided that she died sometime between "Way To Go" and "Built To Kill Pt. 1" and Grissom feeling down about his mom's death was part of what led to his burnout.
Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

Wow I come to read spoilers about the show and see that I must have missed the memo about the change. Could the conversations that pertain to certain characters and ships please be taken back to those threads?

Like Destiney said spoilers are supposed to be spread out amongst the entrie cast. So if there is only one about a ship or certian person...perhaps wait until there is more about others to share? This is in the spirit of fairness and all.

I really wish that there was something about Greg, although if he's not mentioned sometimes he gets good storylines. *crosses fingers*
Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

Who writes those horrible casting calls-gees..overweight girl eating a guess Hollywood clings to those stereotypes like life support because their creativity was drained during the strike...
Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

Wow I come to read spoilers about the show and see that I must have missed the memo about the change. Could the conversations that pertain to certain characters and ships please be taken back to those threads?

Like Destiney said spoilers are supposed to be spread out amongst the entrie cast. So if there is only one about a ship or certian person...perhaps wait until there is more about others to share? This is in the spirit of fairness and all.
Hey wolfesgamergirl don't be so hard on us - lets face it we have very little in the way of *rea*l spoilers so we have to have somewhere to vent!

Thinks "OH No cannot post something about Grissom as there has not been equal mention of Judy in the spoiler thread..."

By rights I am guessing most discussion of S9 will quite naturally center on the themes left hanging... ie Warrick, Sara's return, McKeen and the *leads* of the show Grissom and Cath.

Grissom *is* likely to work it out. Cath *is* likely to show the most distress, closely followed by Nick who *is* most likely to find Warrick. Greg's role is more of a conjuncture than the others. He could go strong or emotional - he has more options I guess. But his reaction is not going to be the pivotal one of S9 primere.
Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

Wow I come to read spoilers about the show and see that I must have missed the memo about the change. Could the conversations that pertain to certain characters and ships please be taken back to those threads?

Like Destiney said spoilers are supposed to be spread out amongst the entrie cast. So if there is only one about a ship or certian person...perhaps wait until there is more about others to share? This is in the spirit of fairness and all.
Hey wolfesgamergirl don't be so hard on us - lets face it we have very little in the way of *rea*l spoilers so we have to have somewhere to vent!

Thinks "OH No cannot post something about Grissom as there has not been equal mention of Judy in the spoiler thread..."

By rights I am guessing most discussion of S9 will quite naturally center on the themes left hanging... ie Warrick, Sara's return, McKeen and the *leads* of the show Grissom and Cath.

Grissom *is* likely to work it out. Cath *is* likely to show the most distress, closely followed by Nick who *is* most likely to find Warrick. Greg's role is more of a conjuncture than the others. He could go strong or emotional - he has more options I guess. But his reaction is not going to be the pivotal one of S9 primere.

I'm allowed to state my opinion on not wanting to read about Grissom, Sara, and their thing they have going. Nowhere that was stated was I "being hard" on anyone. I find that anytime there are spoilers it's always them, and I'm sorry but it's sickening to try and read anything about what is going on when it's nothing but GSR.

There are threads for that stuff and it gets annoying trying to find the actual spoilers inbetween the discussions of ships as well as likes and dislikes of characters.

As for venting...that's what the seperate character threads are for, please be respectful of others who don't want to read it.
Re: Season 9 *Spoiler Lab* Discussions

So, do you think they have anyone lined up to be the head of the team when Grissom leaves for his hiaitus? would it be Cath, Nick and we don't really know the status of Warrick as of now:(or will they bring in another guy like they did when he left prior?
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