C coolcatz Head of the Swing Shift Aug 12, 2005 #76 if daddy gives you a quarter of a million dollars, don't tell your best friend months later
I IeatEvidence Prime Suspect Aug 12, 2005 #79 I learned that it's not over till Grissom says it's over. (overload, i think.)
G Guest Guest Aug 12, 2005 #81 That you look right when you are remembering and left when you are creating. Passed that one on to a mate who works in a casino too (I have such a CSI life hahahaha!) That clear varnish stops the itching (still waitng to try that one out) That nerds are kinda cool. That Warrick still looks good with his shirt off.
That you look right when you are remembering and left when you are creating. Passed that one on to a mate who works in a casino too (I have such a CSI life hahahaha!) That clear varnish stops the itching (still waitng to try that one out) That nerds are kinda cool. That Warrick still looks good with his shirt off.
Tinkerbell Head of the Swing Shift Aug 12, 2005 #82 If you commit murder and you are being questioned by the police, when you are telling them a big lie - NEVER LOOK TO THE LEFT! :lol:
If you commit murder and you are being questioned by the police, when you are telling them a big lie - NEVER LOOK TO THE LEFT! :lol:
B bambam950 Coroner Aug 12, 2005 #84 y do we need school wen csi has all the education we need lol any with me?
I IeatEvidence Prime Suspect Aug 12, 2005 #85 I am totaly with ya. I ask myself that everyday, maybe if we watch more csi we'll find the answer to that question too.
I am totaly with ya. I ask myself that everyday, maybe if we watch more csi we'll find the answer to that question too.
Wojo Corpse Aug 13, 2005 #86 When your feet are infected with mildew, use cortizone it clears it right up.
G Guest Guest Aug 13, 2005 #87 when u find a dead man in a bag it stinks the only thing that takes it away is lemons u have to shower in lemon
when u find a dead man in a bag it stinks the only thing that takes it away is lemons u have to shower in lemon
Tinkerbell Head of the Swing Shift Aug 15, 2005 #90 If you touch a blue railing and get blue paint on your hands - RUN!