Then Comes Marriage (sequel to Love and its Consequences)

Re: Then Comes Marriage (sequel to Love and its Consequences

chapter 7

Ryan: Calleigh, did you see that?
Calleigh: What?
Ryan: That stingray. It almost came ashore.
Calleigh: Stop.
Ryan: There it is again.
Calliegh: You want me to leave you in Austrailia with absolutley nothing but the clothes you have on now?
Ryan: No.

*10 minutes later.*
Ryan: Great. Now I'm scared. That thing is watching me. I want to go back to the hotel.
Calleigh: Fine. But you said yourself that there is nothing to do there.
Ryan: Oh I will find something to do.
Calliegh: Like what
Ryan: You'll see.
Calleigh: Will I need to check for cameras?
Ryan: You think?

*2 hours later*
Calleigh: Now what?
Ryan: Okay, I was hoping you wouldn't want to do anything now.
Calleigh: Why?
Ryan: Because I'm tired.
Calleigh: Yeah, me too. But this is our honeymoon. We're supposed to be busy.
Ryan: We have been.

Calliegh: Do you want to have kids?
Ryan: What do you mean?
Calliegh: Do you want to have kids? I mean we are married now so I don't think we're rushing things.
Ryan: Well yeah. I want to have kids. And with the way we're going, it's going to be very soon.
Calleigh: Ryan!
Ryan: Just stating the obvious.
Calleigh: In a very inappropriate way.
Ryan: If you want it explained properly, go ask Horatio.
Calleigh: I'll pass. How many kids do you want?
Ryan: I don't know, I was an only child so I want a lot.
Calleigh: You really want 7 or 8 of you running around.
Ryan: What's wrong with me?
Calleigh: Well as long as they get your looks and not your intelligence, then we'll be fine.
Ryan: Yeah, I agree. Hey!
Calliegh: I rest my point.
Ryan: Maybe they'll be nicer than you. How will I know if I'm the father? You've threatened to leave me for Horatio like 3 times today.
Calleigh: Ryan, if the kid has red hair it's not yours. If it's sort of dull, then it is.
And besides I love you way too much to actually leave you.
Re: Then Comes Marriage (sequel to Love and its Consequences

awww!!!!! and ooooohhhhhh is ther gonna be some pitter patter of little feet soon?!?! I can't wait!!!!! *Really loud SQUEE*
Re: Then Comes Marriage (sequel to Love and its Consequences

Ryan: Just stating the obvious.

haha Ryan is always stating the obvious!:p
Re: Then Comes Marriage (sequel to Love and its Consequences

Chapter 8
*The next day*
Ryan: What are we doing today?
Calleigh: Whatever you want.
Ryan: KANGAROOS!!!!!!!!
Calleigh: No, this is our last day here.
Ryan: Exactly. I'll die if I don't get to see a kangaroo.
Calleigh: No you won't.
Ryan: I brought my gun.
Calleigh: Fine to the kangaroos it is.
Ryan: Wait I changed my mind. Why can't we just stay here all day?
Calleigh: Because we haven't done anything yet.
Ryan: Actually we've done lots of things.

Calliegh: Mind out of the gutter. So today I will let you pet a kangaroo.
Ryan: Nice.
Calliegh: If you don''t bug me by saying are we there yet the whole way home.
Ryan: Fine, I will sleep all the way home.
Calleigh: No you won't.
Ryan: Fine, I won't. So when are we actually going to try to have kids?
Calliegh: If you behave,
Ryan: Keep talking
Calliegh: Within the year.
Ryan: Not fair
Calleigh: What's not fair?
Ryan: A whole year, Calleigh?
Calleigh: Yes, Ryan, a whole year. Got a problem with it?
Ryan: Yeah, I do. I-
Calleigh: Stop, Stop. I don't think I want to hear this.
Re: Then Comes Marriage (sequel to Love and its Consequences

YAY!! Ryan gets to pet a kangaroo!!!!! i love kangaroos. and a whole year for kids. ooohhhh, Ryan's so upset that they have to wait a whole year!!! but he'll make a good dad :D just look at him with Bethany in Shootout, he was so cute when he was holding her at the end. i love the story!! write more soon!!!!
Re: Then Comes Marriage (sequel to Love and its Consequences

chapter 9

*at the kangaroo petting place*

Ryan: Look, Calleigh!! The kangaroos!! Can I take a picture to show Delko? Please?
Calliegh: Fine, but don't tease it the sign says they tend to bite.
Ryan: I don't want to anymore. I changed my mind.
Calliegh: No you wanted to come over here so I am taking a picture of you with that kangaroo.
Ryan: No, I'm not getting by it. No matter what you say.
Calliegh: I will lift that kid ban to within 2 months.
Ryan: Make it one.
Calleigh: Done. Now go pet it.
Ryan: If it bites me I'm holding you responsible.
Calliegh: If it bites you and you hold me responsable the ban is going back to within the year.
Ryan: Okay just take the stupid picture.
*Calliegh takes picture while Ryan's petting the kangaroo*
Ryan: Move you stupid kangaroo. Calleigh, it won't move.
Calliegh: Stop trying to make it move.
Ryan: Well how am I supposed to get out of here then? Oh I know I'll be a police officer and shoot it.
Calliegh: Ryan! No! These animals are threatened do you really want to go to jail?
Ryan: Yep and I could be cell mates with your boyfriend.
Calliegh: I promise you if you mention him one more time the ban is going up!
Ryan: My ban or his ban?
Calliegh: Yours, now come out of the pen we have to pack.
Ryan: We're already packed. I'm leaving, bye Kangaroo.
Calliegh: Good let's go now.
Re: Then Comes Marriage (sequel to Love and its Consequences

*squee* the ban is lifted?!? YAY!!!!!!!!! i can't wait!!!!! post more soon!!!!!
Re: Then Comes Marriage (sequel to Love and its Consequences

chapter 10

*17 hours and a plane ride later*
Ryan: We're home. Oh thank the lord. Now what are we going to do?
Calliegh: What do you want to do?
Ryan: I wanna go to work.
Calliegh: We're off untill Monday and today is Saturday.
Ryan: Yeah so? I don't want to go home.
Calliegh: Why not
Ryan: Because I don't feel like looking for cameras again.

TO BE CONTINUED............

Next story up soon. It's called And Baby Makes 3.....
Re: Then Comes Marriage (sequel to Love and its Consequences

haha it wouldve been funny if the kangaroo kicked Ryan but then again...