Then Comes Marriage (sequel to Love and its Consequences)


Prime Suspect
*6 months later*

Calleigh: I can't believe I'm getting married in 20 minutes.
Kaitelynn: Yeah, well believe it or not. You scared?
Calleigh: You think?
Kaitelynn: Oh what's the worst he can do? Say no? I think not.
Calleigh: Well thanks for trying.

Ryan: Delko, you know it's how the bride looks that matters, not how the best man looks.
Delko: Oh you're so funny. But when people look at you they're going to turn away and look at me.
Ryan: You keep telling yourself that.
Delko: Come on, it's wedding time.
Ryan: I know but what if she says no?
Delko: Like my best man told me, she came this far and she loves you she will definatly say yes.

Kaitelynn: Relax, take a deep breath and when you walk down that aisle think of one thing, I love Ryan, Now go out there Mrs.Wolfe!

*The music starts and Calliegh starts walking down the isle*

Priest: Ladies and Gentleman we are gathered her today to join this man and this woman in holy matrimony. If any one has any reason these two should not be married speak now or forever hold your peace.
Priest: Ryan, do you take Calleigh to be your lawfully weded wife?
Ryan: I do.
Priest: Calleigh, do you take Ryan to be your lawfully wedded husband?
Calleigh: I do.
Priest: Now these two will exchange their personal vows that they wrote for each other.
Ryan: Calleigh, we've been through so much together. I'm so glad that I finally found someone like you and I won't let anything tear us apart. I love you.
Calleigh: Ryan, you're my best friend. I love you so much. I'm so glad that we finally found each other. I will always love you no matter what or who tries to say different.
Preist: By the power invested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride. Ladies and gentleman, Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Wolfe.
*at the reception*
Alexx: They're finally married. It only took two proposals. But it was all worth it in the end.
I knew from the first day they met that this day would happen. I mean , it was right after Speed died and no one wanted to accept Ryan. But Calleigh did. And look at them now.

Kaitelynn: Yeah, it sounds like a story out of a fairytale, I guess fairytales do excist. How did you meet your husband?
Alexx: I meet Rick at a crime scene actually. I was examining the victim and then he walked by asked me what happended, I told him then he aksed me out. How did you meet Delko?
Kaitelynn: At a club.
Alexx: Enough said.
*Delko walks up*
Delko: My ears are burning.
Alexx: Aren't you supposed to be making a speech over there?
Delko: Ryan never told me anything about that.
Kaitelynn: Your best man made a speech at our wedding so wouldn't you have enough common sence to do a speech
Delko: No, actually I don't. You're too kind. Fine, I'll go make something up. Can it be embarrassing?
Kaitelynn and Alexx :No!
Delko: Why not?

Kaitelynn: This day will come once in a life time for them you want it to be something specail not something embarrasing. Besides didn't you give Ryan a hard enough time when he first started working?
Delko: Fine, fine, nothing embarrasing but how bout funny?
Kaitelynn: When has Ryan ever done something funny?
Delko: True. I could tell about the time they had to go question that guy at the jewelry store and he asked if they were married.
Kaitelynn: See that's nice.

Delko: Since I was told that my best man speech can't be embarrassing, I opted for this one. I find it amusing, maybe you will too. Anyway, we were on a case and we had found ties to a jewelry store owner. So Ryan and Calleigh went to question him in his shop. They guy thought that they were there to pick out rings. Neither one of them could tell the guy no quicker. And now look at them. Ironic, isn't it?

Kaitelynn: I' proud of you, Eric.
Delko: Why?
Kaitelynn: You used a big word in your speech.
Re: Then Comes Marriage (sequel to Love and its Consequences

AAWWWW yay!! *claps* and i love the last few lines!!! HAHA!!!!
Re: Then Comes Marriage (sequel to Love and its Consequences

ROFL at the ending...I like how you did it.
Re: Then Comes Marriage (sequel to Love and its Consequences

chapter 3

* later that night*
Ryan: So how does it feel to be married to the hottest guy in Miami?
Calliegh: I am still thinking about what I see in you
Ryan: Don't be mean!
Calliegh: Kidding. So you ready to go to Austrailia?
Ryan: Sure. Can we get a pet kangaroo?
Calleigh: No.
Ryan: And why not?
Calleigh: Because you act worse than a kangaroo.
Ryan: Do not.
Calleigh: Anyway, we've got about 5 hours before we have to leave. What do you want to do?
Ryan: Let's go to my I mean our place.
Calliegh: Sure, under one condition
Ryan: What's that.
Calliegh:We check all possible places for cameras
Ryan: Already did..
Calleigh: Well aren't you so nice?
Ryan: No, I just don't think Horatio wants to see.
Calleigh: Hmm..maybe that's why I married you.
Re: Then Comes Marriage (sequel to Love and its Consequences

Cute :) LOL at the kangaroo...funny. Continue soon!
Re: Then Comes Marriage (sequel to Love and its Consequences

chapter 4

*The next day*
Ryan: Good moring Mrs.Wolfe
Calliegh: Morning.
Ryan: You ready for Austrailia,
*Calliegh shoots up out of bed and starts freaking out*
Ryan: Calm down
Calliegh: Calm down our flight leaves in a hour and a half and we still have to get ready, pack, drive there, check our luggage in, get our tickets, go through secrutiy....
Ryan: No we don't. You didn't marry a guy with OCD for nothing, did you?
Calleigh: You packed?
Ryan: 2 weeks ago.
Calleigh: Tickets?
Ryan: 2 days ago.
Calleigh: You're weird, you know that right?
Ryan: No, I didn't. But now that I do, I'm going to go unpack all of your stuff.
Calleigh: Fine. Sorry. Sorry.
Ryan: Thought so.

*She opens her lugage*
Calliegh: I guess it does pay to marry a man with OCD.
Ryan: So what were you panicking about?
Calliegh: Getting ready , checking our lugage in and going through security.
Ryan: So get dressed. That's your only problem.
Calleigh: Excuse me.
Ryan: Nothing.
Calleigh: I'm going get ready.
Ryan: And I'm going to go clean something.
Calleigh: No you're not. You're going to get ready too.
Ryan: This could take a while.
Re: Then Comes Marriage (sequel to Love and its Consequences

aww their so cute!
didnt you post a qoute about Ryan and kangaroo's in the Quotes you wont hear thread in the Miami section WeWantTOGO?
Re: Then Comes Marriage (sequel to Love and its Consequences

chapter 5
: * 30 minutes later*
Calliegh: Come on! Let's go!
Ryan: I am here.
Calliegh: And you said I am slow?
Ryan: Sorry, now let's go.

*At the airport*
Ryan: Go sit down. I'll take care of everything.
Calleigh: I don't trust you.
Ryan: Yeah you do. Now go or I'm getting that kangaroo.
Calleigh: Fine.
*5 minutes later.*
Ryan: See. Everythings taken care of.
Calleigh: Is it time to go yet?
Ryan: Yeah. We're boarding now.
Calleigh: Let's go.
On the plane*
Ryan: Are we there yet?
Calliegh: For the fifth time already, no.
Ryan: If you're already tired of me now, I'd hate to see you in about 20 years.
Calleigh: I'm not tired of you. I'm tired of Eric. And guess who you sound like?
Ryan: Horatio?
Calleigh: You wish.
Ryan. No, you wish.
Calliegh: Are you accusing me of liking that scum bag more than you?
Ryan: Maybe I am, maybe I'm not.
Calliegh: Well what can I do to help convince you I love you more?
Ryan: Lots of things. Some of which I won't mention.
Calleigh: And will that make you feel better?
Ryan: No.
Calleigh: No? Then what will?
Ryan: A kangaroo first. Then what I previously mentioned.
Calleigh: You're still not getting the kangaroo, Wolfe.

oh btw ,that_girl1 , i did post the quote about ryan and the kangaroo lol.
Re: Then Comes Marriage (sequel to Love and its Consequences

ROFL, they're cute. Hey is the kangaroo quote from the "Quotes you won't hear" thread?

*Might get along with Ryan a little since she's midly OCD...mostly about getting her hands dirty. Eww lol*
Re: Then Comes Marriage (sequel to Love and its Consequences

*15 hours later*
Ryan: Calleigh, wake up we're here.
Calliegh: Finally.
Ryan: What is that suppose to mean?
Calleigh: That I'm tired of you and I can't wait til this week is over so we can go back to Miami and I can marry Horatio.
Ryan: Calleigh....
Calleigh: Ryan.....
Ryan :You're so hateful. So where are we going first?
Calliegh: To the hotel.
Ryan: Is that where the fun begins?
Calliegh: Mind out of the gutter.
Ryan: Well what do you expect me to want to do at a hotel? Watch TV? I can do that at home.
Calleigh: Yeah..and?
Ryan: Fine. What are we doing after the hotel?
Calliegh: Snorkeling
Ryan: Really?
Calliegh: Yeah
Ryan: You do realize there are alligators and stingrays in those waters.
Calleigh: Stingrays?
Ryan: Yep. Mean, mean stingrays that like people with blonde hair.
Calleigh: Ryan.
Ryan: Yes?
Calleigh: Do they really?
Ryan: I don't know. Why don't you call Delko. He should know.
Calleigh: Okay.

*phone rings*
Delko: Calleigh! Having fun yet?
Calleigh: Ryan, told me that there are stingrays in the water that like people with blonde hair. Are there really?
Delko: Yeah. Duh.
Calleigh: I gotta go. Bye.
Calleigh: Ryan, I'm scared. What if one eats me?
Ryan: I'll save you.
Calleigh: And what if you can't?
Ryan: Then I'll move on and get a kangaroo.

Calliegh: Oh really, will you now?
Ryan: Yep
Calliegh: Well then I will just cancel our tour of the Outback.
Ryan: Wait, you planed for us to go to the outback?
Calleigh: Yeah.
Ryan: There are kangaroos there, you know?
Calleigh: Yes I know.
Ryan: Can I pet one?
Calleigh: I guess.
Ryan: I hope the stingrays don't get you first.
Calleigh: Well if they come to me I will simply push you in front of me, then I can fly home and marry H.
Ryan: Haha very funny. Besides I don't have blonde hair.
Calleigh: Ryan, shut up.
Ryan: Maybe you should dye it.
Calleigh: I'm beginning to doubt myself.
Re: Then Comes Marriage (sequel to Love and its Consequences

haha poor calleigh
i like them
they joke around a lot:p
Re: Then Comes Marriage (sequel to Love and its Consequences

HAHA!! awww that's so cute how they joke around!! *squee* i love it!!!! post more soon!!!!