the writers of csi:miami


Prime Suspect
i think that it would be better if they were not the same trough the three series.
in my opinion, csi:miami is great but dialogos aren't always that good and sometimes the writers forget to deepen the plots of the characters. so i think that the writers seem to be more superficial dealing with csi:miami than with csi.
what you think about it?
I think the last few episodes have had deep plots with the characters. I mean, look they had Eric get shot. To me that is a deep enough plot with his character and then also his character has a slight memory problem. So I really don't think there is any problem with the writing of the show at all.
I don't think there nothing really wrong with the show. Well, except Yelina. We all want her back. But we get plenty of excitement really. Speed getting shot and dying( :( ), Calleigh getting shot, Wolfe getting shot, Eric getting shot and nearly dying, Horatio nearly losing his job and career, not to mention all of those shootouts the CSI's get into. And i could go on. So i'm pretty satisfied really. :)

Welcome to Miami rummy80! :D
Normally sticking to the same writers should help a show. After 5 seasons you'd think they know there characters perfectly. But they changed H his character so much in Season 4 that I am a little bit disappointed. But they are planning to bring back Yelina so that's a definate + point :)
i think that this tv show quality and substance go sharply down when writer/producer Steve Maeda left. and have to agree with rummy80 that - dialogos aren't always that good and sometimes the writers forget to deepen the plots of the characters., also make some ridiculous decision for new story lines. for example i`ll point out H character and in HC/DC thread u can read why for some peoples his character have been screws up in S 4-5. it`s a big shame that time ago this two women Ann Donahue and Elizabeth Devine (showrunners/producers) have create such great epis like Big Brother,Blood Brothers,Witness To Murder and not in last place send in this great H/Y storyarc...but now everything has been throw away with only purpose we to see only hot chicks or cool Miami wallpapers. usually TPTB excuse is that they have try something new, but in the end the result is zero and draw only negative from the fans. also for me TPTB have spend out of ideas and not only one epi from S5 is like some deja vu with epis from S 1-3 :rolleyes:

so i think that will be good if in Miami they add or have news writers and they time to time change.... ... to good to be true right ?! ;) heheh but more good will be if they read and respected theirs fans opinions, ehhh this is too much then i can ask :devil:
i think that csi miami have the engine of a ferrari( the actors are great,specially david caruso and emily procter and the city of miami is the perfect background for a series) but the writers drive this ferrari like a old volvo station-wagon.
Yeh, the others should also have some main focus in some episodes! They sort of did that with Eric, but they should bring some other stories in for the rest, maybe to do with their backgrounds/past experiences etc
rummy80 said:
i think that csi miami have the engine of a ferrari( the actors are great,specially david caruso and emily procter and the city of miami is the perfect background for a series) but the writers drive this ferrari like a old volvo station-wagon.

Sometimes fans want to see the characters' personal this point I would kill to see Horatio don jeans and an old t-shirt washing his car or Calleigh at the club downing Manhattans and dancing the night away. Is that too much to ask?
:D :D :D my idea is: calleigh washing my car in a small bikini(like jessica simpson in the 10academyawards winner movie "the duke of hazzard") :D :D :D
Yeah, I wish we got to see a more "real" side to the characters. That would be great. We only see them at work and no one is the same person away from work as they are there. I think it would give us a better understanding of the characters. In one episode (Shocked i'm pretty sure) Marisol told Eric that Horatio is a different man away from response to TPTB? PROVE IT!
umm whats tptb mean? and i think the writters are doing an excellent job but no one can be perfect. in my opinion they are turning csi miami into more of a sope opera(sorry cant spell)i mean delko getting shot and losing him memory just add an internal affair between one of the main characters and take away the kool grosse blood and guts and bam u got yourself a sope opera(again excuse my spelling) but no matter what i still think the writters are doing great all they gotta do in my opinion is bring back the old school H&Y and the old story lines like Suzzie and Madison or like horatio killing his dad and the dam gud cases with lots of blood or something like that but then again thats just me talking
TPTB= The Powers That Be. ;)

I agree in a sense that the writers are doing a great job this season and they can't please everyone which generally happens when a show gets this far in the seasons. Everyone expects it to go back to the formula from earlier seasons or the episodes/seasons they liked. I'm guilty of wanting that, but I think the direction that the writers are going in now is really interesting.

And I feel I should point out that the writers for all three shows aren't the same, but the producers are. Liz Divine, Ann Donahue, etc do produce or have produced all three shows and they have written episodes but strictly speaking, each show has their own team of writers.

I think the writers are trying new things each season and it's really trial by error. I mean, they can't expect everyone to be happy with every storyline and frankly it's an unrealistic expectation. Though I know I'll be happy with something they've done and other people will find it idiotic and vis versa, so it's really a matter of preference and point of view. So I'll honestly say that the writers are doing a great job from my stance even though I haven't liked a lot of the storylines. They're the pros and I'm not. I wouldn't be able to write a show that has lasted five seasons and counting. The only problem I have with the writing this season is the recycled plots that seem to be rushing in all of a sudden. They could do without that.
umm speaking of "five seasons and counting" does anyone know if the producers have an actual number for how many more seasons we can expect from csi miami cuz i heard that csi has booked a contract for up to season 10 so i was just curious about csi miami