THE WELCOME WAGON: Welcome to General CSI

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Hi I'm nicole and im nu here but csi has been my fave show for a really long time and i cant ever get enough of csi my fave ship is gsr but i dont hate on other people's ships but i still am a hardcore gsr fan just a peaceful one.
The door was ajar so I thought I stick my head round and say hi *waves*. :)

Im a complete newbie but have been checking the site out for about 6 months now and finally decided to join the party.

I am a snickers shipper and LV geek. Looking forward to spending many an hour with fellow addicts!
you managed to lurk for 6 months?? :eek: i was like 6 minutes :lol: glad you finally decided to join us. im sure youll find lots of funstuff to do here. :D
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