The Warm Welcome Thread

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*my right arm up to the air and my hand moving from side to side"

Hey,Jools and Madamexbrittany , welcome to the comunnity!!



"I'm, glad you stayed"
Welcome Madamexbrittany and Jools--great to have you both here! :D

I'm new here! My husband and I are currently catching up on Season 3 of CSI NY from Netflix, so I haven't seen any of the current episodes yet. Since we didn't record this season, we'll be waiting till the Season 4 discs come out next year, I guess... :(

I'm from New Mexico and if those of you above me in the thread who are 22 are feeling old, I'll not state my age just say that I'm older than that! :eek:

The first CSI show that we watched was CSI Miami, but we've discovered that we like both CSI and CSI: NY much better. I really think that NY is my favorite.

This is only my second post here -- my first is a long review/discussion post on the Grade "Not What It Looks Like" thread. I'll try not to make such long posts in the future! :eek:

Anyway, I look forward to participating in some of the discussion!
Welcome GE (you'll have to get used to nicknames and i'm very prone for gibving them :lol:)

Hey, don't worry about posting a lot I know some people who love to do it :D
nattybatty55 said:
Welcome GE (you'll have to get used to nicknames and i'm very prone for gibving them :lol:)

Hey, don't worry about posting a lot I know some people who love to do it :D

Thanks! :)

Actually, it's more the length of my post in that other thread that I was worried about rather than the frequency! I don't know how frequently I'll be posting since I'm so far behind in shows and don't want to spoil myself before I get there. I've noticed that even some of the photo threads have spoilers. So, you may find me posting on old threads that no one cares about any more sometimes. :rolleyes: I'll try not to do that too much, but I felt strongly about that one yesterday. That's what compelled me to join.

I guess I need to come up with something for a signature, don't I?
You dnot have to! You could always get someone to make you one like mine! Unless you have got your owb software! Me i've had it about a month and im not that bad :lol:
Welcome to the forum, GreenEyes! :D It's great to have you here, and fear not--you're not the only one who doesn't think 22 is old. ;) :D

It is probably tricky to avoid spoilers for stuff that's already aired in the U.S. in the character and pic threads, but feel free to dig up as many old episode threads as you like, and post at whatever length you'd like. It's always interesting to revisit old episodes, and get a fresh perspective on them.
nattybatty55 said:
[/Random] Mrs G I got to say that this thread was a gret idea :D [\Random]
It was sad to see the newbies not being welcomed anymore.

Soooo ... welcome newbies! Enjoy and try not to get into *too much* trouble around here. :devil:
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