The Warm Welcome Thread #2

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I just joined here, so I just want to say hi to all fellow CSI NY fans. I am so hooked on this show, and I look forward to being here.

Well, after looking at the Gary threads and all the pics of him here, all I can say so far is I am likin' it very much here!

Sorry I must go back to removing some liquid drool from my keyoard again now....LOL
Hi, I'm flying mouse and I love csi ny even though horatio caine is my first love(only him, not miami).

I came across this fan site last week and I'm surprised at all the spoilers and very interesting debates in some threads. Hope I can join those one day but I didn't watch every episode so for now I have much to catch up on.

I wanna say this site is great. I've never seen anything like this!
Welcome to the forum, flying_mouse - I'm glad you came across the board and decided to join us. :D
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