kristy those are awesome wp's! And so many! Wow! Fantastic work!
And Elsie (I'm proud of you ), katpin, sienna, bulletboomgal, Eve and Chez - another !
Lovely, funny and amazing work, want to see more!
Sorry that these are not WP-sizes exactly, but you can still use them for it! I'm using one anyway... These are all actually supposed to be headers, but use for whatever you like as long as you give me back credit!
Love the coloring in the headers you used, amazing, kissmesweet! Chez, love your wallpaper. Love the text. Eve, love your wallpaper, it's really funny. bulletboomgal, your comic walls are very funny too.
Love your Jorja/Sara walls, sienna! katpin, love the Grissom wallpaper.