The Wallpaper Thread #4

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Thanks! I'm picking up some great tips from this board as everyone is really helpful so I've been playing away.
And the CSI eye candy is definately inspiring! ;)

Liking your Greg WP....I like the two different looks....and you're right he's cute whatever the expression.
Hehe thanx MiaCharlize and Astrid! yay... Greggo ALWAYS looks soooo cute!! :D I made another one... (the last one today I promise! :p ) of Eric, of course!! :lol:
I made one and after that I realize that I had another pic, so I added it, and I didn't know witch one I liked more so here are both!
Hope you like them!
Lots of love!

*Ok I know I promised those were going to be the last ones but... I can't help it! :lol:
Now, really, the last one! Eric Szmanda... Awww I love that hair! Well I like all the Eric hairstyles but this one is the hottest one!! I love it!!
Hope you like it!
^^ Then please be bored more often ;) Love that wall CSI_Chic.
togoszmandalover - thanks for your lovely comments on my last Greggo wall. I love your Greg walls too - he's so photogenic!
I also adore Mia_Charlize's Hodges walls - because Hodges is brilliant and those walls really reflect his character!
Wow, I didn't check the forum for a couple of days. Great wallpapers everyone. I might make some new ones myself this weekend. ;)
Wow, I didn't check the forum for a couple of days. Great wallpapers everyone. I might make some new ones myself this weekend.
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