The Wallpaper Thread # 3

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hey can anyone make me a eric delko wallpaper please...Thanks
yo peeps, jsut gonna re post le request from last thread, could anyone make any sort of danny/flack or nick/greg wallpaper? s'okays if you can't...

i've just ran out of new wallpapers!! n plus, i need something to keep my slash habits at bay during the season break :lol:
Nowergian Your wallpaper of Warrick is great!!! But I already told you that.. :p
hehe..I am glad everybody liked my Warrick Wallpaper.Thank you everybody! *bows* :p

csikicksurass: I loved your Greg wallpaper. I snagged it and placed it on my desktop. Lovely.

I have to ask for forgivness, though, I got inspired by it and made one myself from the same screencaps. Okey, I made two wallpaper...*hangs head in shame* I can`t help it.

Here they are. Hope ya guys like em.
Inspired by the episodes Kiss-Kiss, Bye-bye and Rashomama. And csikicksurass: kick a$$ wallpaper.
Inspired by the episode Spellbound...hihi..

and once again thank you for nice comments on my wallpapers and snagg away. hehe..:D

smittin_kittin22: If I find time I will try to make you a Eric Delko wallpaper. Is there any special picture that you want it to be made of?

(Great Wallpapers everyone!) :D


Lost2MuchSpeed: If you want I can try to make you a wallpaper, any special pictures you want to have on it? or text? and so.
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