The Wallpaper Thread # 3

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Hey! all these wp's are wiked! Can someone make me a wp with Nick/Warrick/Greg/Ryan/Eric/Danny/Hawkes/Flack. I know it's alot, but if you can it would be great. oh yh, and can it say, "The CSI Boys"! Thanks, and don't worry if it's too much!

Thanks again xx
I like those wallpapers Katie. :D I have the Calleigh one as my desktop wallpaper right now. Teehee! Great job, I can't wait to see more.
thanks everyone for the great wallpapers and Macayla i love the ones with Emily big hug to you for it... You made me happy.. hihi
greetz Nathalie :D :p
Awesome Horatio wallaper Dingbat. I'll definitely snag that one. Awesome wallpapers everyone else.

Here's a collage/wallpaper of CSI Las Vegas Crew. It's really basic. Thanks to Erica at Beyond Imagination for the screencaps. I'd be lost without you Erica.

CSI Season 6 collage

Comment, credit, and no hotlinking if you want to use.

Take Care,
Dingbat Your wallpaper is sooooo beautiful!! :D :D
and catwarfan I like that one.. I made something like that 2.. one time.. but well, it sucked so!! :p but I like yours :D :D
Carmine Giovinazzo wallpapers,icons & screensaver
more at my LJ
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