"The Unusual Suspect" Discussion *Beware SPOILERS*

ford_prefect said:

I have to say that although I love both Greg and Grissom, I didn't even realize Greg wasn't in the episode until I saw him in the preview for next week, and I didn't realize Grissom wasn't in it until I came here and started reading everyone's comments. *shrugs*

Same for me... for both Greg and Grissom.
Sorry don't meant to spam here..but I liked Catherine's comments about appreciating her daughter's normal angst. I feel the same way about my kid..thank god for normal kids..they rock!!!

I know my bias is towards Nick, but I loved Sara tonight. I always like Sara/Nick centric episodes..they have such great chemistry together..

Warrick was great with that kid..who I loved..she was so funny dragging that heavy bag across the field..again.average kids rock..

And I didn't miss Grissom or Greg..with all due respect..well Grissom a little..I kept expecting him to show up and wrap up the case...because he was probably a child prodigy himself..but perhaps the writers wanted a suspect to keep the CSIs guessing towards the end.

newt..I find your banner funny, but probably not appropriate for this board...
I know this isn't the place to discuss this but I just want to add that the girl in the picture is 10 years old. It's beyond inappropriate. Okay, I'll shut up now.
Alrighty then. I think I'll add this to the bottom of my list for Season 6.
I guess the concept was unique, but the story was so-so. I did think that the actress that played the genius was great.

There was too much courtroom (if I wanted to see all that, I'd watch the other law shows- which I don't). The lack of Grissom, Greg, and Brass, minimal Catherine, Warrick, and Doc was enough to keep me bored, and waiting for things to pick up. I got tired of the "he said/she said" stuff.

I did think it was funny, but quite sad, that a 12-year old genius got one over on Nick & Sara. The look on Sara's face at the end, however, was priceless.

The best part was Catherine's line about Lindsey worrying about how much belly button to show at the mall. We need to get Lindsey on again soon. She's growing up way too fast!

My score: just 5 out of 10.
I don't know if its my utter Nick bias shinning through, but I just LOVED the episode.First time in a long time CSI really felt like it had during earlier seasons. What can I say? I adore George and Jorga and it was really nice to see them shine. Yes, I did miss Grissom( alot)and Greggo like lots of others on the board, but wasn't it nice to see the characters(Nick,Sara, Warick and Sofia) on screen for more than two seconds and actually let them do their stuff and get the scenes going? And I knw we'll get a mega-Griss dose next week, so I am actually liking this "alternating" of characters. Loved the case, the immensley creepy little girl, and the surprise twist in the end although I saw it coming. Loved Warick's little niece, and like every Nick fan in the known universe my jaw dropped at his little comment to Hodges about knowing what it feels like to snap. Give the boy a hug....:( Yea, I also noticed the coin flip thing, and was beginning to wonder if I am just imagining things until others mentioned it.... :D To be honest Sofia is also starting to grow on me and I thought LL is really coming into her own with this role. All in all, way to go. Fine episode and looking forwad to next week. :)
Thank goodness for this board. I had the show broken into three times with Tornado Warnings south of my town. Yes, I understand that Tornado warnings are important but there was no severe weather around here and those people should be listening to sirens and not watching CSI.

If they are watching CSI and not in the basement when the tornado sirens were going off, that's some dedication.

Thankfully, I didn't miss anything important but apparently our weather person was getting phone calls or emails about it because the second time she came on she was EXTREMELY apologetic. She's well known for being a tad over the top with the weather alerts.
i loved the episode. sara and nick working together!! and catherine and warrick, hahah nice that warrick brought his wife's niece to help and see if the 12 had actually committed the murder. my brother and i got in this argument after the episode cause i was i know y she told sara because of double jepordy the guy can't be tried again for something hes already gone to trial for and been acquitted and my brother was like uh-uh it when she thinks hes dead and when she gets out she'll kill him and i'm like no and looking at him like :confused: but in the end i was right about what double jepordy was i did take intro to criminal justice. and NO GRISSOM OR GREG that was werid but it was good to see more of sara, nick, catherine, warrick, and sophia lol
ford_prefect said:
I have to say that although I love both Greg and Grissom, I didn't even realize Greg wasn't in the episode until I saw him in the preview for next week, and I didn't realize Grissom wasn't in it until I came here and started reading everyone's comments. *shrugs*

Exactly. And this episode is a prime example that TPTB should get rid of certain characters. Although I love Greg and he's my favorite character, this ep made it clear that he's not needed. Maybe he can be transferred to another shift and only appear once or twice per season, like Ecklie or any of the recurring detectives.
I could be wrong, but I don't think prosecutors can appeal (they charged him with murder though, so they MIGHT <I'm not sure> be able to charge him with, say, assault).
newt said:
Guhhhhh kay, i'll remove it if it's against some rule..?

I don't know about a "rule" but I think it's inappropriate because she's underage, she's 12 years old and I think it might bother a lot of people.

Also, the board is PG-13 and that just seems like it's pushing the line a bit.
:eek: :eek:

Eh, heh. Yeah, could you please remove the banner newt? It would be mucho appreciated among us members. Thanks.

So I have about 25 minutes until I see the episode. From what I am reading from these comments, the episode sounds pretty good. I am looking really forward to seeing a episode being that I haven't seen a new one in 2 weeks.
ariela57 said:
...but wasn't it nice to see the characters...on screen for more than two seconds and actually let them do their stuff and get the scenes going?
I agree, I'd rather have some episodes with very little to no Nick alternating with episodes that have lots of Nick, than having him in just one or two scenes every episode. I think that's why I didn't really miss Greg and Grissom in this one. When they try to work all the characters into every episode it just gets congested and nobody gets any quality screentime.

...and like every Nick fan in the known universe my jaw dropped at his little comment to Hodges about knowing what it feels like to snap.
As much as I'd love to tie that back to "Grave Danger," I think he was really just getting a dig in at Hodges there.

Yea, I also noticed the coin flip thing, and was beginning to wonder if I am just imagining things until others mentioned it.... :D
Now that I'll go along with. I bet he never flips another coin in his life.