The Song Guessing Game

Awesome. Alright, here are the new set of lyrics so good luck :D:

Is more than saying sorry
Means accepting peoples flaws
Would that happen to be Forgiveness by Samantha James? I saw that you listened to it in the "last 5 songs" thread and it seemed to fit the lyrics. :p
I love that song... it's in Just Friends... so hilarious... i bought the soundtrack just for this song... know all the words... he, he, he. Too bad I didn't see this thread before.

"to forgive is devine, so lets have a glass of wine and have makeup *** until the end of time, time, time" :lol:
Yep, you got it Reeble :D. I guess I should be more careful next time :lol:. I agree Poncholives38 the movie and soundtrack for Just Friends is awesome...Samantha James was the best!

"Put your crystal's under my pillow
Send your epistle to my bedfellows"

Name of the song and artist, please. :D
Sweet. Alright, here are the next set of lyrics:

Like a newborn child, you made me smile,
Then stole my heart away
We may be outta touch, but never out of time
You can whatever you want :D. Oh, and the people in my icon are Will Ferrell and Christopher Walken. It was from that Blue Oyster Cult SNL skit :lol:.
I thank god for seeing the light
and not going out with some lawyer type
'cause your a poet
a renaissance man
a little boy with
really strong hands

Totally my favourite song ATM. The reason behind it is beautiful too.
Idina Menzel "Straw into Gold"

"Gettin' born in the state of Mississippi
Papa was a copper and mama was a hippie
In Alabama she would swing a hammer
Price you gotta pay when you pick the panorama "