I never get to post anymore because of my cruel mistress (college) taking all of my time but I had to contribute a rant so all of my fellow ranters can rant in a ranty pile of rantiness together. :shifty:Wait...what am I talking about? Anyway, on to the rants:
If any of you don't know, I commute back and forth to class everyday on my bike. However, I'm thinking about stopping because of all of the tree-huggers with no concept of highway safety clogging the bicycle lanes. It's not enough that they refuse to go faster than 10mph but what really grinds my gears is that they clump together like sardines in a can, thus hogging all of the lane space. Now, don't get me wrong, I understand the neo-hippies urge to chain-smoke from the same ciggie while passing the keg of "water" around to stay "hydrated" but come on, don't hog the lanes with your 800 dollar custom fixies. I don't mind riding my bike in traffic and increasing my chances of getting mauled by the crazy drivers that make up my college campus, but I shouldn't have too. If you want to save the environment by cycling to class, right on. But if you want to save the environment while drunk cycling to class, you need to get off the bike and start walking. Thanks.
I really wish people would stop treating my personal life like its their very own personal sideshow to gawk at. I'm not obsessive about my privacy but...who I'm involved with is really no ones business unless otherwise stated. I'm nearly *shudder* 20. Leave me and my life choices alone. This is what I get for going to a small lib arts college in the middle of point blank nowhere. Literally, the town is built up around the beach, a historical monument, and a state road. That's it and that's just sad.:lol:
Can someone please tell celebrities/actors/entertainers that they don't have to marry? I don't think they got that memo since 85% of celebs get divorced by Valentine's Day/St. Patrick's Day/whenever their new album, movie, or tv show comes out. Just because two people have a physical connection that feels "so deep" doesn't mean that it's okay to start shopping for rings, apartments, and dogs/cats. Trust me, I've had first-hand experience with this misery with two of my close friends. Nothing is more distressing to watch than two grown men going into tears over who's going to take care of Booger, the golden retriever with far too many allergies.
Done. Now continue onward my fellow ranters.:thumbsup::lol: