The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

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Dear Stalker with a crush

It's weird enough that you follow me around school all day asking for a date, even with my many rejections and telling you to your face that I'll only ever have romantic feelings for fictional characters on crime drama shows.

But if you ever make advances on my little sister again, I'll break your scrawny little neck.

From Overprotective Big Sister.
Dear fellow qeepers please stop asking the same old same question. Do I have to write answer on my profile so you can read, of which I highly doubt. Once or twice I've already told enough of you that I don't need you to be my boyfriend nor anyone of you at all. So stop making wasted hopes on me. My love belongs only fictional tv show characters and/or real life actors/singers/musicians! SO ENOUGH FOR STALKING ME! And if someone again will ask the same question I'll put that up on my profile info and will send you to read it once and for all!
Your overly angered fellow qeeper.
Dear Assorted Customers,
You know when you come up to the reception desk and you see a line of people? This is called a queue, and you're supposed to wait at the back of it.

ha, you're so british :D

neighbours, please stop hammering and drilling on saturday mornings. it's horrible.
Well, really, you would think these people have no concept of a queue at all. It really pisses me off, as a Brit and a person, that some people think they're better than everyone else and don't have to queue. More often than not, it's old ladies - they can be SO rude.

Oh, drilling and hammering on any morning is bad enough, but esp on a Sat. We have builders next door too and the other week I had an afternoon off work and decided to take an afternoon bath, right when I got in they started drilling. They're not so loud now tho, I think a part of the loud work is done. Can't wait till next door's extension is done and they all bugger off tho!:)
Dear Rowdy Boys

Just because the head librarian isn't here doesn't mean you can barge in and turn the computers up full volume, all the while screaming about whatever the hell is happening outside. This is a place of QUIET, where people can QUIETLY read their books. Even though I'm barely a few years older than you I still have the authority to kick you out, and I don't want to have to go to the higher ups every time just to do so. Come in and cause a ruckus again and I'll show you what three years of bottling in rage can do to a gal.

Yours sincerely,
The girl telling you to get the hell out.
Dear Rowdy Boys

Just because the head librarian isn't here doesn't mean you can barge in and turn the computers up full volume, all the while screaming about whatever the hell is happening outside. This is a place of QUIET, where people can QUIETLY read their books. Even though I'm barely a few years older than you I still have the authority to kick you out, and I don't want to have to go to the higher ups every time just to do so. Come in and cause a ruckus again and I'll show you what three years of bottling in rage can do to a gal.

Yours sincerely,
The girl telling you to get the hell out.
Hey, you work in a library? Me too. We get kids like that in too, it's so annoying. I think some people think they can pull all kinds of crap in a library because it's not like a shop or a bank, it's a more open, more public place and I don't know about your library but ours has no security guards so they think they can get away with stuff. We get drnks and druggies too, and tramps. I don't mind the tramps except when they are really stinky and/or drunk. They come to the library because nowhere else would let them in. Oh, and we get really rude/nasty/odd people too, who pull stuff they wouldn't in a shop etc. Believe me, I know how you feel! Just remember, there are nice customers who come to the library too. About a month ago, on a Saturday, all our public access computers were down and the I.T. Dept don't work weekends, so they were down all day. Loads of people were actually sat around the library QUIETLY READING books. It was lovely.
Dear Rowdy Boys

Just because the head librarian isn't here doesn't mean you can barge in and turn the computers up full volume, all the while screaming about whatever the hell is happening outside. This is a place of QUIET, where people can QUIETLY read their books. Even though I'm barely a few years older than you I still have the authority to kick you out, and I don't want to have to go to the higher ups every time just to do so. Come in and cause a ruckus again and I'll show you what three years of bottling in rage can do to a gal.

Yours sincerely,
The girl telling you to get the hell out.
Hey, you work in a library? Me too. We get kids like that in too, it's so annoying. I think some people think they can pull all kinds of crap in a library because it's not like a shop or a bank, it's a more open, more public place and I don't know about your library but ours has no security guards so they think they can get away with stuff. We get drnks and druggies too, and tramps. I don't mind the tramps except when they are really stinky and/or drunk. They come to the library because nowhere else would let them in. Oh, and we get really rude/nasty/odd people too, who pull stuff they wouldn't in a shop etc. Believe me, I know how you feel! Just remember, there are nice customers who come to the library too. About a month ago, on a Saturday, all our public access computers were down and the I.T. Dept don't work weekends, so they were down all day. Loads of people were actually sat around the library QUIETLY READING books. It was lovely.

Yeah, I usually just work for the library in our school, but I do work experience at the library in town whenever I can. Usually its okay, because we don't have security inside but their is usually some patrol guys outside keeping an eye on things. It's when the library is open late that the freaks and loud guys start pouring in. I swear once I caught one of them trying to vandalise a whole row of books, the bloody cheek of him :scream: Makes me appreciate our school library where everyone's well behaved and all the kids sit quietly studying...

Dear Society in general

'Gay' is not a synonym for 'stupid', 'crap', 'bad' or any other negative words. Stop treating it like it is.

From a supporter of gay rights
We get the freaks at all times of the day!

Dear Assorted People, yes, right now I am choosing not to drink alcohol, with the exception of the low alcohol cider from m&s that I LOVE and that nice low alcohol beer from the place in town, because when I drink it makes me feel like crap. Please stop looking at me like I'm some kind of freak. I've just gone off alcohol, like I went off milk when I was about 8 or something even though I drank it all the time before then. I'm old enough to drink, but I'm old enough not to, if I choose, too. I still enjoy going out, but drinking alcohol is no longer such a big part of it for me. None of you pressure me to drink or anything, but the way you act when I say I don't want to drink, like I'm some kind of weirdo, bothers me and makes me feel a bit uncomfortable. One of you is a veggies, and I can't imagine not eating meat, but I don't look at you like you're freaks! There's no deep reason behind my choice, I don't think drinking is evil or anything, I think people should be allowed to drink whatever they want as long as they don't become too drunk and ruin everyone else's fun, and it's not like I sit there glaring at you all and declaiming the evils of alcohol, I still love hanging out with you all, but I just don't fancy alcohol these days, same way I wouldn't want a glass of milk. So please could you just accept that? I'm still crazy old me!
Ugh, I hate peer pressure! I'm the only girl in my class who doesn't drink and/or have a boyfriend, and I'm treated like a walking freak show!

Dear Sexist Pig

Yes I'm a girl. No, I have no idea what plimsolls or DC's are, or what the latest thing to wear/watch/listen to is. I have no idea who this 'Wanted' band are, and I couldn't care less about how 'attractive' that guy is, and I've never seen an episode of Hollyoaks in my life. I've never worn make-up, wanted/had a boyfriend or ever worn a skirt/dress. That doesn't mean you should treat me as some denizen of Mars! This is the 21st Century pal, girls are allowed to like extreme violence and video games and trousers and Star Trek, and they don't have to gossip and ogle boys and wear make-up!

Stop acting so jealous just cause I'm more manly than you :p

From Lady Looks Like a Dude

I like this thread, it satisfies the British gal in me ;)
Ugh, I hate peer pressure! I'm the only girl in my class who doesn't drink and/or have a boyfriend, and I'm treated like a walking freak show!

Dear Sexist Pig

Yes I'm a girl. No, I have no idea what plimsolls or DC's are, or what the latest thing to wear/watch/listen to is. I have no idea who this 'Wanted' band are, and I couldn't care less about how 'attractive' that guy is, and I've never seen an episode of Hollyoaks in my life. I've never worn make-up, wanted/had a boyfriend or ever worn a skirt/dress. That doesn't mean you should treat me as some denizen of Mars! This is the 21st Century pal, girls are allowed to like extreme violence and video games and trousers and Star Trek, and they don't have to gossip and ogle boys and wear make-up!

Stop acting so jealous just cause I'm more manly than you :p

From Lady Looks Like a Dude

I like this thread, it satisfies the British gal in me ;)

I hate skirts. I really do. Exception is my national costume, which is just plain expensive and cool. I liked jeans and hooded sweater. I got teased a lot at school but it was then when everyone were assholes towards each other.
And it's rare that I wear make-up. PArties, official meetings or when going to bar (and it's rare nowadays) - and it's not much from mascara 'n not-so-visible-stuff

Just never learnt to use those (even being anemic it would have been better)

And GOD I hate high heels. I don't really own any. And I hate pink (exception Hello Kitty figures :p )

ANd what annoyed me most was at school "because you are a girl, you have to this and that and this and that and behave" and I was odd for playing ice hockey, football 'n stuff with guys.
ANd what annoyed me most was at school "because you are a girl, you have to this and that and this and that and behave" and I was odd for playing ice hockey, football 'n stuff with guys.

Ugh, don't even get me started on the sports! Of course girls couldn't do football or rugby...we were forced to stay inside and do gymnastics and dance, both of which I hate. The one time we ever see the boys in sport is dodgeball, and even then we're not even allowed to play with them because 'boys hit hard and girls wouldnt be able to handle it' :wtf: Yeah sure, never mind that the two best dodgeball players in the school are girls...

The worst part was probably when I tried to take woodwork and technology as subjects...the teacher outright said that I'd probably be more suited for drama and art because I was a girl! Eventually it was my mum who convinced me to take the latter two, and I've regretted the decision ever since cause I'm terrible in both :angryrazz:
Oh guys know how you're feeling. I felt same for nine years. I was treated like walking-not-talking-much freak and it was so horrible. That school was also very terrible cause for me who hates gymnastics and all this lets-wipe-clean-this-floor stuff which they called gymnastics. I better play dodgeball, even with boys or handball with them which practically wasn't that bad. The worst part was at last years. Come on I wanted to play basketball too and volleyball, so why I had to run like world class sprintes and not play some ball? Ugh. Luckily came highschool and different school where girls could play basketball, volleyball and even dodgeball with boys. We had lesson together every week and that wasn't that bad they know how to handle girls, they were even friendly. And that what they called gymnastics wasn't wiping floor clean, it was something I really liked and wasn't bad at all. And I still don't like skirt yeah I once tried to wear skirt at school but that was awful feeling so I dropped it next time. I like my jeans better. Tho I feel I could try dress one day, maybe. Only make-up I use is eye-liner. But everyone including my mom tries to think I'm not normal if I don't wear skirt or dress. Annoying. And why I need boyfriend for heavensakes? Everyone thinks I need. What for? To annoy me or get me crazy? No thanks I better stay where I am and don't bother I have my own magic world to hide.
Oh knitting and stuff. My teachers almost cried when she saw my crappy socks and scarfs. Thru grades 3rd to 6th we only got a half a year woodwork (girls) and guys had to knit the same amount. For 7th we could choose either one and I took woodwork and so did other girl, who hated knitting as well and wouldn't have picked it otherwise because she was teased a lot by guys anyways. My only regret that I didn't pick woodwork for 8th and 9th grade but decided to go with German *eyeroll*

Also I chose extra sports on 8th and 9th (since I threw javelin on national level anyways) and damn it was so much more fun to play tough than listen to other girls to whine "you hit too hard" - our girls PE classes were hell when we played FInnish baseball or floorball. And ringette, which was kind of interesting, since only 3 of 19 of us girls could skate very well :p I was removed from Finnish baseball class for getting mad when others just were fooling around and not taken seriously, I also left floorball because whines "you hit the ball too hard"

So playing with guys was great, except basketball because I was way too short for it and never liked it.
"oh you are so fun, we can tackle you and you don't start to whine, you just get up, swear and get your revenge at some point) :lol: :lol:

Thankfully my parents never said that I'd dress wrongly and despite all that, I do have a lovey fiancé <3
(who really doesn't care my clothing. I mean, I have a dairyfarm so non-clean overalls and rubberboots are daily costume :p )
To cable,

You're telling us that we have 5 tv's in this house and the only one that will get the 1 station that carries "local" local news instead of "Boston" local news is the 1 tv that isn't an HD TV just because it's the one hooked up to the box. That if we want to get it on any of the other tv's that tv has to have a box too. And not only that but we'll have to pay $5.00 a month for each box. Why? We own the box that's downstairs. But since that's where the cable comes in that runs our internet it has to stay downstairs. We pay over $100.00 a month for cable and we're loosing stations. And you do this because you can. It's either Direct TV or you! :brickwall:

To this city's elected officials,

This is a problem that you created. :censored: You are the ones that are allowing the cable company to run with no competition in this city. It's either pay their prices while loosing stations or go to a satallite dish because you won't allow anything else to operate in the city!
Oh knitting and stuff. My teachers almost cried when she saw my crappy socks and scarfs. Thru grades 3rd to 6th we only got a half a year woodwork (girls) and guys had to knit the same amount. For 7th we could choose either one and I took woodwork and so did other girl, who hated knitting as well and wouldn't have picked it otherwise because she was teased a lot by guys anyways. My only regret that I didn't pick woodwork for 8th and 9th grade but decided to go with German *eyeroll*

Also I chose extra sports on 8th and 9th (since I threw javelin on national level anyways) and damn it was so much more fun to play tough than listen to other girls to whine "you hit too hard" - our girls PE classes were hell when we played FInnish baseball or floorball. And ringette, which was kind of interesting, since only 3 of 19 of us girls could skate very well :p I was removed from Finnish baseball class for getting mad when others just were fooling around and not taken seriously, I also left floorball because whines "you hit the ball too hard"

So playing with guys was great, except basketball because I was way too short for it and never liked it.
"oh you are so fun, we can tackle you and you don't start to whine, you just get up, swear and get your revenge at some point) :lol: :lol:

Thankfully my parents never said that I'd dress wrongly and despite all that, I do have a lovey fiancé <3
(who really doesn't care my clothing. I mean, I have a dairyfarm so non-clean overalls and rubberboots are daily costume :p )

Oh I know the feeling. I hate it too. I really hated knitting but I had to sew instead. But most horrible was food making, because I had only one true friend but that stuff had to be done as a group work. But we both decided to make pasta instead of something overly 'royal' like other girls. I'd be lucky to choose woodwork instead, as the other girl who was attending art school and who has extremely strong arms. Also this whining at sport was so annoying especially when we played dodgeball and floorball. Girls from other class were pretty aggressive and hit pretty hard, that's probably why we were stucked to gymnastics. Luckily 1st to 4th grade we could play handball with boys and nobody whined. I was extremely happy to change school after grade 9. New class was very not-whining and if they whined than only when trauma happened. And we played almost like animals:lol: And teacher said being short isn't that bad at all, one girl who's shorter than me proved the point just brilliant. So I finally could play something I liked. And that's why I still miss that school and former classmates. For the first time in my life I had classmates and school which made me want to not skipp lessons or be late. Those three years were the best school years I had and I will always remember my good days hoping my next school will be at least half that nice.
To Mother

You know how much I hate clothes shopping, especially on a freezing cold rainy day in the middle of November. Normally I don't mind you persistently asking me cause I can just say no and get on with having no life.

But asking me if I want to go minutes after I've woken up so I have no conscious thought is just sneaky and desperate. Can't you just admit that I'm not like my other two sisters and leave me alone when it comes to clothes?

From Your fashion hating daughter.
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