The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

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To whomever it may concern,

I'm a very humble person and I like that some people enjoy my requests for icons and banners in request posts, but you have no right to message me stating that "I don't like this icon, can you change the text to so and so, can you change the coloring on this I don't like it." And I might be in the majority, but I feel if I take the time to fulfill a request, I expect at least a thanks, credit or the item to at least be used. It's people like you that makes me want to quit taking requests, next time when I run a request post at Livejournal, I will simply block you from being able to participate. The whole world doesn't revolve around you and your outlandish requests and the next time I get the remark, "I can do better," or, "I can find someone else who knows how to use text," I can't promise that I can help myself from not going off on you.

Ps, I've seen your icons and they're nothing to be bragging about.
To my Dell laptop,

You were completely fine last time I used you and now you're telling me that you can't find my desktop settings? and the only thing that comes up is the background I set and the stupid recycle bin. :sigh:
Why some people do what they do as a ceremony?

While eating, reading,working, going... If you go outside just go! Don't need to say somethings like ok i am ready,i am going then i will come... You almost do the same thing while even going to W.C. That's absurd. .. I don't get it.
To the idiot who left their dog **** in the leaves.

I really appreciated stepping in you pile of dog **** this morning. It was really a nice way to start the day. Next time you let you dog **** on our store's property it might be nice if you did some exercising by bending down and picking the **** up. Just because we run a Pet Food Business doesn't mean I have to put up you dog ****!

Your friendly Pet Food Store Owner.
To somebody behind the kitchen wall: Please stop hitting my wall in every five seconds! That's annoying and besides it makes closet to dreadingly crack and I'm afraid it's gonna fall on my head. To let you know I won't turn tv volume down, how in the earth you'd be able to hear my tv? And stop fighting with your sister so loud! And stop shutting door so hard, it makes my walls to crack!
Your lovely neighbour.

To someone somewhere up or behind the clouds: Please, please, please bring me new phone. Please somebody just throw your phone on my doorstep and forget about it so i can take it:) Also it'd be nice if that phone is galaxy s.
Oh Santa if you could hear me, I will be here during X-mas....
Your beliver.
To my so called friend,

The fact that I do not like the Saw films because I feel they're too disgusting and disturbing does not give you the right to say: "Well you're not really a horror buff then are you?" I don't get why people would like to see the disturbing scenes in those films, it's not for me. I'm a huge believer in the stuff that scares you the most is the stuff you don't see, a movie doesn't have to be filled with blood and guts flying all over the place to be a good horror movie.

So get your head out of your rear end and suck it up that I don't want to waste my time going to see it with you, preach your crap to someone else and get a life.
Dear 'friend',

You called yesterday to make a day to hang out and then you tell me you're going to call today at 2pm to hash out the details. Well, it's 6:05pm and I'm not waiting around for you all night (by the way, 10:30pm is way late to be calling). Thanks anyway.
To my laptop,

What the hell is your problem? You keep saying update update update. I do but this time you act weird. To update, or not to update: that's the question now.
Be normal and listen my commands! Please my sweet lapish machine...
To men in general,
Is it too much to ask to find a nice man who will take the time to get to know me, and take me out, without wanting to play games or get in my pants! Why do you bother to sign up on sites like eHarmony if you're not willing to respond to requests to communicate? I'm not made of glass, I won't shatter from being rejected by someone I've never even talked to!

To my bed,
I'm tired of crawling into you alone every night. I just want a pair of strong arms around me, holding me tight as I drift into dream land!
Dear Assorted Customers,
You know when you come up to the reception desk and you see a line of people? This is called a queue, and you're supposed to wait at the back of it. It doesn't matter whether you're 82 and have been coming to the library for 50 years. It doesn't matter if you are in a wheelchair/deaf/have any other kind of disability (note, if you can't see very well/are blind, or have some kind of mental disability/problem that genuinely prevents you from understanding the idea of queues, fair enough, but otherwise you wait in the queue like everyone else). You do not barge your way to the front and yell at the staff what you want, nor do you use your wheelchair as a means of intimidation to get your way to the front, either, nor do you use your great big fat belly to do that either. Wait your goddamn turn like everyone else. What the hell gives you the right to be served before other customers who have been waiting longer than you, or to interrupt us when we are serving other customers?

To Mr X, we do not all want to see your great big fat wobbly belly, nor do we want to hear you SHOUTING across the library to your girlfriend or to us. If you want to ask a question, come over to the desk, don't yell across the library at us.
Dear Fox 9 News Anchors:

Your job is to report the news. It is not to give us all your opinion of every damn story no matter how large or small. It is also not your job to shout down someone you're interviewing just so you can prove how "hard hitting" you are. Please STFU and go find another job.

No Love,
Dear classmates,

I couldn't care less about your problems. I don't care if X was mean to Y or Z broke up with W. I don't care that your girl/boyfriend is a total jerk, and neither do I care that they brought you flowers yesterday. I don't care that you failed your exam or your parents hate you or you can't go out past ten o'clock. I really don't care that you're a freakin' pound heavier than you want to be, or that you're hair isn't perfect and your make-up is ruined by the rain.

I don't even know you, so stop coming to me to bi**h about all your problems. I am in no shape or form any sort of mediator, and I've already got my own problems to deal with without having to hear you bi**h about yours. Please, just f**k off and leave me alone.

Most Sincerely,
A really pi**ed off DF95
To my so called friend,

The fact that I do not like the Saw films because I feel they're too disgusting and disturbing does not give you the right to say: "Well you're not really a horror buff then are you?" I don't get why people would like to see the disturbing scenes in those films, it's not for me. I'm a huge believer in the stuff that scares you the most is the stuff you don't see, a movie doesn't have to be filled with blood and guts flying all over the place to be a good horror movie.

Totally agree!

Dear Health,

I am not going to give up - I've had ten years of this rubbish and it's going to take a helluva lot more to make me seek refuge in my bed again. Don't even try it!

Yours, my Pride.
To my finally 'done' phone... Thank you for being my best friend for almost four years. You was my only computer and for some time my only mp3 player and camera. I dearly hope someday I'll be able to use you again and the charges won't get broken so soon. Also I want to say great thanks to you for being so great at photo editing cause I've been using you for entering Fan Art challenges. And finally I just wanted to add that I really love you and hope to hold you again someday... Your Dear Owner.
Dear Assorted Customers,
You know when you come up to the reception desk and you see a line of people? This is called a queue, and you're supposed to wait at the back of it.

ha, you're so british :D

neighbours, please stop hammering and drilling on saturday mornings. it's horrible.
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