"The Panty Sniffer" Discussion *SPOILERS*

I'm not sure it was supposed to be all Catherine centric in the way we would think. I think the episode was meant to be more like Catherine and Vartann connecting than anything case related.
I did enjoy this more the 2nd time around;) And I did see a connection between Cath and Vartann, although they both seemed a little awkward with their feelings. But they will go forward I'm sure, so that was cool for me. And Nick and Ray:lol: Nick so confused by the whole 'panty sniffing' scenerio, and went EWWW, to Ray when he actually realized what this was all about. So innocent still. Ray is so cool and so smooth, and was not the least intimidated by the whole nasty thing [trying to be discreet] he's been around the block, I guess more than Nick. The ending when Vartann shot the scum-bag and the blood splattered on Cath's face gross:scream:
I didn't really find this ep 'disgusting', I actually found it to be funny at times (then again, I have a rather tolerant sense of humour). The whole panty sniffing thing was interesting, the drugs not so much, found it rather boring.

The whole Nick/Ray team...Nick seemed a bit too much of the old ladies man this ep, and I still don't like Ray so no comment there.

Cath/Vartann- well, since it seems that Warrick isn't coming back from the grave anytime soon, I can tolerate this pairing. :)

And Greg was awesome in his club gear :p

Normally it'd be a B+ but...Archie, out the lab, in that jacket ( :drool: ), and finding the body. Veeeery happy. A and a whole lot of + from me!
I loved the part where we saw Archie, out in the field, and him and Greg walking through the casino. And how horrified he was to stumble on the dead girl:( And Greggie at the "RAVE" get-together he looked so cute. And how Ray comforted Archie so caring and concerned, nice gesture Ray :bolian: