The Oregon Trail: CSI NY version

Oregan Trail! I used to love that game. I played it again a while back. A classic :)
Well...I played the Oregon Trail game last night. I used Danny, Flack, Stella, Aiden, Mac, and Lindsay.

Danny had an unknown ailment. Lindsay got typhoid fever and then got it again 2 weeks later. Flack got bitten by a bear twice and Aiden went missing once.

Everybody lived and almost got to their destination. They decided to stay in Salt Lake City where Flack built a house on 1000 acres and later in the 20th century, his anscestors tarnished the Flack name. lol

I played it two other times before that one and Danny bit the dust in both of them. He starved to death in the second game and in the first game it was an accidental gunshot and the game was over because he was the guide. Before Danny was shot he had also gotten bitten by a mountain lion and Stella and Lindsay got sick.

Oh yeah, and when Danny starved to death Sid, Adam, Stella, and Lindsay ended up starving to death too. Flack was the only one to survive.

Gonna play it again in a little bit. It's fun using the team.
I remember Oregon Trail...5th grade I think it was when we played that.

Except it got banned by our computer teacher because we always just tried to off our characters in as many different ways as possible, instead of actually trying to get to Oregon. I don't think anyone ever made it.

Seems to me the favorite death was just charging into the river at the strongest current.
I do remember playing it in like 5th grade on the old AppleIIE...primitive, those. But I don't remember what actually happened when I played lol.
I have come to the conclusion that this games hates Danny. :confused: He's only survived the trip once! I played it again using Flack, Danny, Mac, Stella, Lindsay, and Hawkes.

Danny bit the dust again. :( This time from cholera...which he caught from Hawkes. Before that, he almost drowned.

Mac had an accidental gunshot wound and then later it got infected (but he recovered). Flack sprained his shoulder (probably from carrying around sick Danny :rolleyes:) and then later had scarlet fever. Stella had typhus, food poisoning, grippe, and cholera. Hawkes had cholera (which he gave to Danny :mad:), food poisoning, and grippe.

Mac was the leader and settled in Oregon in 1848 on 499 acres.

Maybe I'll play again tomorrow and see if Danny can survive. Poor Flack's not too happy when Danny doesn't make it. :p

I never played the game before I saw it on here. I downloaded it and it can be fun.
Apparently I have the version that hates Danny. :lol:

It's version 5.0 and I got it here .

It has a free trial and then you have to buy it but it's really fun.
Well, I played the Oregon Trail again last night since my ISP decided to take the internet down to change servers. Can't they do that at 2am on a weeknight instead of the weekend? :mad:

So, I used the same characters again..

Mac was the leader (no surprise there)
Danny and Flack were 30
Stella was 35
Lindsay was 15
Hawkes was 17

I am happy to say that this one of the few times that Danny DIDN'T bite the dust first. The first problem was with Hawkes. He got a bad cold which turned to pneumonia. Then 26 days in, he died from pneumonia.

While crossing a river, the wagon tipped and Lindsay almost drowned. Later on, Flack sprained his shoulder (not sure how). Mac had an unknown ailment but recovered. Then Mac was accidentally shot (but didn't die). Later the wound got infected (then he recovered). Then he went and got himself shot again and still didn't die. He's tough.

When the wagon tipped over, the fishing pole and shotgun were lost so Lindsay was near starving, then she got worse. Mac's wound got infected (then he recovered again) and then Lindsay died of starvation. Followed by Danny, Flack, and Stella.

Mac continued on (even though he was starving) and managed to get another fishing pole and gun. It was the dead of winter and Mac was critically ill but that didn't stop him from fishing, hunting, and gathering fruits and veggies.

I finally ended the game when the wagon party was stuck in the mountains and day after day they weren't going anywhere.

I'd really like to get them all across the country in one piece.