The Official Pets thread

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I have my two girls. Cats.. I LOVE THEM!!!

I have my four year old tabby Mickey

And this is my little sh*&^ten. She's a little s*&^ and she's a kitten. Her name is Torii (after Torii Hunter of the Minnesota Twins.)

My girls!!
jerispencerlvl3 , you've stolen my cat!
I have cats, they are officially my cats
Here's older
and this is younger
then we have 4 dogs, three grey Norwegian elkhounds like this
That pic is the 2nd oldest. Oldest one...well, looks older - she's over 10 yrs (that one in the pic is 4yrs) and then this dog's son will turn a year in May. he's a bit...more fat than his mom :p
I don't have newer pic of Finnish hound but here's the pic when he came to our house, he's now over a year old.
My dad owns those two older dogs and my bro two younger dogs.

+ with these we have 65 heads of cattle.
We currently have:

Orion - gray kitty. We think he might be a Norwegian forest cat, because he looks like them, lol. He crawled out of the sewer like 2 yrs ago as a teeny kitty. He was fine though :eek:

Starlight - gray kitty who looks like Orion. We adopted him bcuz the poor keek-mo ( word for cats. We also use keek-monster) was losing weight because his twin brother was adopted and he was depressed (seriously, thats what was wrong with him). He looked a LOT like Orion so we thought they'd make a good pair. He's my fav of the two kitties. He's chubby keek-mo and has very silky fur.

Tupper - the puppy I showed a picture of. Black and tan terrier/beagle mix. He's so much fun. He likes to use me as a pillow lol

Our cats reflect the personalities of me and my twin brother! Orion is solitary and kind of mean, just like my brother. Starlight is flamboyant (he struts, he doesnt walk) and neeeeeds people to survive, lol. And Starlight is cute like me.

Our fishes are all dead (we've had tons) and I think the hermit crab is dead. Dead pets include a dog named Casey and cats named Sushi, Purdles, Benjamin, and Bibi who we left in Cali.
Here's 2 pics of my cat Tigern.
He's anti social and is slightly grumpy all the time :p I'm like the only one who gets to pet him without him getting angry :lol:
Ooo...we got new kitten 2 days ago, black 'n white but I don't know yet will she stay alive.
:lol: I think he looks stupid in that pic! :p
Sanna, your elk hounds are so cute! My friend Mari has one of those too! :D
Posted by Sillie:
3 cats
9 rats


*gasp* Another rat owner!! :D :D So Im not alone! :D I had 13 rats at one time. I had to give away some of the babies though. At least I got to keep them for a few months! I kept 2 of the babies though, so now I have 4 rats.


Do you have a papillon too? :D :DI have met barely any people that even know what they are!! :lol: I have 2 papillons and one shetland sheepdog. We have nicknames for all my dogs too...

Shut up
(anything ending with -le)

Timmy the timid
Go away
Stop licking me
Justin Timmylake

Shut up

:lol: :lol:We have a very creative family...
Oh pet nicknames.
with my cat, the black one is called Nappi so she goes with Naksu, Salem, Nabe
and Pepsi (younger cat) is called Fatso or F***ing Stripecat.
:lol: Our cat goes by the name Fatso too! We usually call him all sorts of things just to see if he reacts to it.. sometimes it's "carpet", "light bulb" or "lamp".. we pretty much call him anything we see around the house. But we usually go with just calling him "Katt" which is the norwegian word for "cat" :p
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